An Old Headache

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(Adam) so...(y:n) you have been the one causing me a lot of trouble and im guessing he is with you still.

With a moment of pause i look at him and can tell he was gotten stronger...but not wiser

(Y:N) yes, yes he is...I can tell you've moved up the command chain in the white fang, last time we where face to face you where just a recruit.

I ready my self into a defensive stance not knowing how much he has learnd in 5 years.

(Adam) you took him from brother...

He grinds his teeth in anger and slightly unshethes his sword

(Y:N) HE IS NOT YOUR BROTHER!! I saw the path you where taking him down i did what i had to

(Adam) AAHHAAY!!

He sprints at me with full force, he swings low and im able to deflect his attack and spin out of the way I swing my sword arond having the blade on the bottom and pull out my revolver with my other hand I sprint twords him and fire two rounds at him

He turns arond and deflects the I notice his sword glow where the bullets landed... I jump up and land my blade onto his. both of us struggle to push the other away, I slide my blade down his in order to get away I throw my self to the ground I can feel the wind of his blade flying pass my back.

I Get back to my feet just fast enough to block more incoming attacks each of his attacks faster than the last. I'm able to jump back and away from him. I activate my team S.O.S and throw a fire dust knife and set off an explosion in front of him. I use the smoke screen to make a break for it back down the road and back into vale

I make my way and turn down a small ally littered with trash,I make it half way down and stop in my tracks.


I turn my head slightly to see him pointing his sword at me, his hands shake slightly out of anger.

(Y:N) actually this was exacty where i wanted you

I turn around as fast as i could and fire a volley of bullets twords him he deflects them all...just what i wanted i throw an ice throwing knife straight into the sword and freezing it to the nearby ally wall.

I charge and jump to get an upward slash on him but he runs up the opposite wall to kick me back. I loose my grip on my sword and falls behind him I fall back to the ground right where i was. Aura flickering

(Adam) nice trick...

He slams his ice coverd sword into the wall shattering the ice.he then leans over and picks up my sword. And begins to walk slowly twords me.

(Adam) I will enslave you humans for the way you treat us like monsters... And i will have Xander by my side

(Y:N) haha...ugh...he will never join your cause he would rather die.

(Adam)...maybe if so....I might just get that blonde headed girlfriend of yours

I can feel the anger getting the best of me, itching to come out like when xander was on the verge of death

(Adam) yeah i might even let her a slave

I try to stand up but fall back to the ground he takes his last step at the end of of my feet and raises both swords above his head...

(Adam) maybe even a better lover than blake...

(Y:N) Blake??

The ends of my hair catch a light my strength comes back to me I activate ember silica and slam it it the ends of the swords coming toward me with a sound of a shotgun blast he is sent back out of the ally. I get to my feet and follow him out when I get out and into the street he is not there i wait for an ambush,but it never comes.I see my sword on the ground batterd to hell i pick it up and look to the sky to see a bullhead flys over head and gets close to the street

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