Fairy Tales

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Attack after attack, me and Winter keep are swords clinged together, metal to metal. Shes fast...but not fast enough. Using both of my swords i keep her at a disadvantage, my goal is just to tire her out, dont want Weiss to kill me if i injure her sister. Behind me I can hear ven and noir trade attacks with the man named Qrow, who is apparently Yangs uncle and must be the brother of Raven, ill have to talk to him about her later...

Meanwhile I can feel winter getting mad. Her swings are getting harder and harder...and reckless. She jumps backward and stabs her sword to the ground. A white glyph appears on the ground spinning and growing in size.

(Y:N) cool trick schnee...check out mine.

As she starts to summon a creature of some sort, I raise my hand and open a glyph of my own. Her face turns to question than anger within a second. I try my best to do somthing with it but nothing happens. I did this just to get her angry really. Out of the glyph she opened a flock of small nevermorse shoot out and twords me. I quickly re- sheath my whirlwind and infuse it with fire. I slice out of the sheath and the flames shoot forward in a arc vaporizing the glyphs.

(Ironwood) that's enough!

I re-sheath my weapons and gather my team. Both tired from fighting the old man.

(Winter) SIR!

(Ironwood) No. You need to control your anger schnee. From what it looked like you where about to loose to a huntsman in training.

(Winter) But-

(Ironwood) save it. Meet me in ozpins office. We will talk later.

Winter looks back at me both with question and a little anger. As she storms off I speak to her.

(Y:N) hey schnee!

She stops and turns to me.

(Y:N) good fight...you'll have to teach me some moves somtime.

(Winter) agreed.

She walks off and into the school. I walk over to my teammate who are talking with Qrow and Ruby

(Qrow) you kids are no joke. You guys almost made made me break a sweat.

(Ven) keep talking old man just you wait. Ah Y:N how did the schnee go.

(Y:N) you could take her ven...

(Noir) dang that says something...

(Ven) shut it...

(Qrow) so your the leader eh? Don't seem to tough to me...

(Y:N) well I am dating your niece.

(Qrow) good point kid...well I gotta go duty calls

(Ven,Ruby) hehe...duty

He walks off and so does Ruby. Me and my team wait for Xander so we just chill for a bit. When we see a bullhead come into view we notice the smoke trailing from it. Not good.

It lands and I immediately see that it is riddled with bullets holes. We run over as the door opens. Xander walks out.

(Noir) what the hell???

(Xander) yeah lets just say Adam was not to happy when he found out. He sent an entire platoon of goons after me. I had to kill some....

(Y:N) well as long as your back I don't care.

He falls to his knees in pain so we pick him up and bring him to the nurses office.

He gets patched up and sent to our dorms for rest so we  go and watch Coco's and Yatsuhashis 2 on 2 fight against murcury and that Emerald chick. After that we all head down to watch yang and weiss's fight with some team from Atlas. This time noir bets and loses.

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