Just A Memory

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I sit in the ER waiting room waiting. The lights blind my tired eyes. I hear them working down the hall. Yang sits next to me her leaning on me, ruby sits across from me with Weiss comforting her. She blames herself for this. We all know she is wrong, she had no choice, she saved my life.

Ven and noir come walking down the hallway.I look up at them looking for a respones.

(Ven) he survived but barely....

(Noir) the bullet broke into pieces on his mask and some shrapnel inserted into his head and others bounced out. Hes in a coma, they don't know when he will come out of it.

I scratch my head somewhat relieved. I look over to ruby, I can tell she is also relieved.

(Ruby) why did you not tell me....

I look over to ven and noir worried, the expressions say it all.

(Ven) we had direct orders from ozpin,there was nothing we could do.

(Ruby) i understand....its just hard to believe

I stand up and look around at everyone. Everyone tired

(Y:N) what happend to you guys, a giant killer robot couldn't be that hard....

(Yang) haha....shut up

She lightly punches me in the leg and stands up holding my hand.

(Y:N) lets go get some sleep gang. I hear tommarow pyrrha is going to fight all team CRDL.

(Ven) I feel bad for team CRDL

We get out of the hospital and go back to beacon.


The sound of the alarm wakes up all of us. I sit up in my bed and rub my eyes. I turn off the alram and slap ven awake.

(Y:N) time for school ven, get up

(Ven) ugh I don't wanna

(Y:N) its sparing day

(Ven) ok maybe I do

He jumps up on a hurry and gets dressed.

(Ven) hey where is noir?

(Y:N) probably already in class

I grab my school bag and make my way to goodwitches class. Once there I see Weiss and noir dueling in the center of the room. I notice Weiss is giving it all she got but noir is going easy for her..

(Ven) if they become a thing and noir gets half of the Shnee dust company...I'm robbing him

(Y:N) you'll have to get through her first

I point to Weiss who is currently throwing every glyph she had in her to break noirs sembalance

(Ven) good point....im going to find a good seat for the fight you coming?

(Y:N) actually I'm going to go and talk to goodwitch. save me a spot will ya?

He gives me a nod and i head to glyndas office. I open a door to reveal a smaller room, i see Glynda sitting at ger desk looking at her pad.

(Glynda) ah mister (L:N) how are you holding up

She points her pencil to my wound.

(Y:N) surviving miss goodwitch...

(Glynda) well thats all you can do now a days, can't you. What do i owe the plesure.

(Y:N) well i found my sembalance...

She puts down her pad and looks at me with question and some delight

(Glynda) congratulations...have a seat, what is it

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