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(Ven) where did you come from!

(Y:N) long story....whats up

Ven points down the street

(Ven) bad guy...Torchwick....cane that shoots

I look up to see a line of black suvs zooming down the street away from us

(Y:N) got it....(gets on com)yang you copy that?

(Yang) sure did... ill follow them in the bullhead while you catch up

The bull head flys over us twords the convoy

(Ven) is that her gauntlet on your arm?

(Y:N) again...long storry, how do we catch up with them?

(Noir) hey over here!!

We look over to see noir on a scooter reving it.

(Y:N) you have got to be kidding me...

(Ven) just get on it, ill catch up

He runs off into an ally and i hop onto the grandma bike and dive off.

(Yang on com) hurry up guys your going to loose them!

(Y:N) we are trying here!

We speed down the street as fast as it can go dodging and weaving through cars and pedestrians.

(Y:n on com) we need to find away to slow them down!

(Yang) I cant get close because the PILOT IS TO MUCH OF A SCAREDY CAT TO GET ANY CLOSER!!!

(Pilot) well I dont have a death wish like you kids!

(Ven) I got a vehicle I'm on my way now!!

I pull out my scroll and call Ozpin

(Ozpin) ah mister (y:n) I was just about to call you i have an ongoing situation in downtown vale-


(Ozpin) oh well in that case im sending back up right away... what is your position S.O.U1

(Noir) we are heading down main street heading out of vale.

(Ozpin) Rodger sending back up

I put away my scroll and extend ember silica on my arm

(Yang) they are turning twords the docks!

Noir takes a sharp turn into an ally where the scooter barley fits with both of us on it my sides hit the sides of the walls and i can feel the scooter scraping agenst the walls as well.

We pull out of the ally right behind the convoy but they are quickly gaining speed.

(Y:N) I have an idea keep her steady!

I do my best to stand up on the scooter and balance myself almost falling off... I aim ember Celica behind me and fire off a blast sending me forward right on to the engine compartment of the last suv in the convoy with my legs hanging off the front of the vehicle. I hold on the best I can and look up to see the drive holding a pistol at me.

I quickly duck down and hide myself from the shots holding onto the front grate. The shots break through the glass abd wizz past me and into the road.


Hes out of ammo..

I jump up onto tbe engine compartment and slam my fist into the engine block firing a shotgun blast into it. The back of the car shoots up through the sun roof I see the two goons with their face pressed against the glass. I slam another round into the top of the car propelling me into the air and the SUV backing the ground.

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