...Here's Where You Die...

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I cough my self awake. Pain reaching all parts of my body. I look up to see the shatterd moon in the sky with small flying grimm flying overhead. I look around my surroundings, ive smashed through an old raman shop overhanging tent and into the Raman cart, I feel the noodles still slightly warm. I struggle myself and fall off the cart and onto the hard sement below. I stand myself up and cheack my surroundings for grimm or White Fang. Nothing but body's of White Fang goons,VPD and civilians, some mutilated from grimm.

I hold my gut in pain and try and get to beacon. Ive landed in the residential district not to far from beacon. I hobble down 32nd street hopping to find any of my teammates or anyone in general. Just body's and the occasional small creeps scampering through the city.

I make my way to the town square. Im able to make out a crashed bullhead. I see bullets bounceing off tge hull of the airship. I injurly jog down the street to see a small firefight raging in the square. I see White fang srounding the bullhead and firing at it from all sides. I look twords the bullhead to see whos inside of it. The airship is on its side with with one  wing ripped off and the other half way burnd to a crisp. From inside of the cockpit I can tell someone is firing off some rounds at the attackers. On top i see xander peaking his head and sticking his gun out of the main door killing some goons as they try and rush them.

I make my way to a cafe on the corner of the street and take cover on the edge of the wall looking over the town square. Only acople of feet away from me are two goons firing on Xander and the others from behind a dumpster they are using for cover.

Iv never killed someone, i intend to keep it that way until I absolutely have to. I pull out my shock botton and crouch low to stay unheard. I jab the first dear faunus in the back stunning him to the ground. I whip around and bash the other one in the head with the bottom of the stick before he could yell for help. I pull their bodys behind the dumpster and out of sight. I peak my head out to figure out the situation. The White Dang have only intensified, more and more goons have surrounded the bullhead. I think of my options...

I could either stay in their perimeter ane take them out one squad to anotber, but with the state im in its most unlikely. I could also go and find help but i dont remember where the evac zone was and coms are down. So i decide i would just book it to the airship and hopefully find a flare gun and shoot one into the sky and pray someone sees it.

I phsyc myself up and jump up and down, i try my best to block out the pain from my fall. Since my aura is broken if i get shot...well i get shot. I pull out hikari in its pistol form just so i can keep their heads down at least.

I start to run...i bank and dodge incoming fire,rolling to the ground and summersaulting back up to my feet when grenades blow up near me. I start to run faster and faster....and faster? I feel my legs leave the ground and i go into a spin. My sight turns red but i can still see, its like a red tint almost. Before I know it I slam into the hull of airship. Bouncing to the ground. Around me i see red rose peddles flutter past and also hit the airship.

(Y:N) oh great...Ruby's gonna want to race me now....ugh

I stmble to my feet, using the belly of the airship to support me up. I grab the bottom of the door and lift myself up, falling into the transport hold and fall on top of somthing soft?

(Ven) .....why???....ow....

(Y:N) oh sorry ven.

I roll off of him and take cover behind a near by armor plateing.

(Xander) welcome to the party...

I look around to see my team in shambles. Everyone injured in some way or another. Vens all brused up with cuts everywhere around him, Noir has an improvized splint on his leg and has his head bandaged Xander has a big gash on his arm most likely from a sword or axe of some sort,

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