Its Always Something

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(Sun) uhh guys..

(Blake) what are you doing here!...are those...fake ears?

(Y:N) uhh....hehe....long story

Sun finaly gets our attention By raising his voice.

(Sun) i think he sees us!

Me and blake look up to see Roman noticing us. Before he could say something blake grabs my arm

(Blake) he can't see in the dark...

She pulls out her gambol shroud, firing a round up into a fuse box turning the entire room to black. I feel my arm tug, my start to run with the tug trying my best to see.

(Blake) Y:n!!! Jump

I jump unknowing what i am jumping into or out of.

I hear a loud crash like glass breaking. The night sky filling my vision. We fall down a couple feet landing on the ground and keep running. We jump onto a rooftop and start jumping  rooftop to rooftop trying to get as much head way as possible

(Ven on com) what's happening!!

At that exact moment I hear a loud crash almost like a car hitting something. I turn around to see the giant robot smashing through the wall we just left and come baraling twords us.

(Y:N) giant robot!!!!!

I try to keep up with sun and blake but them being fuanus they have the advantage and I fall behind

I can feel the robot stopping on the road next to me

(Noir on com) what do we do!?

(Y:N) plan c!!!

(Ven) whats plan c!

(Y:N) kill this frickin robot!!

I keep running and jumping, I turn my head to the side to see how far away from me...i notice it is sprinting right next to me. Over a speaker coming from the the robot I hear a voice

(Roman) see ya kid!!

He raises his arm and back hands me sending me flying. I smash into a building wall and fall to the ground.

(Y:N) oh....thats gonna hurt in the morning

I stumble to my feet and look around. In the distance i hear the robots giant footsteps and distant cars crashing

(Y:N) Noir, Ven on me. Lets go help team RWBY out.

(Ven) team RWBY?

(Y:N) yeah they must be after torchwick to...

(Noir) did Ozpin send them?

(Y:n) no i have a feeling they are doing this on their own,just come pick me up

(Ven) got it

After a couple minutes of waiting let finally arive with a commandeered car and i hop in the back.

Noir, driving looks back at me

(Y:N) Where too?

I point in the last direction where i saw the robot last chasing blake and sun

He speeds off. After somedriving we start hearing some gun shots in the distance. I can tell by the sound of a shotgun blast its yang.

(Ven) you just had to date the adventurest one didnt you...

(Y:N) what can I say i like me a women with shotguns as a fashion design. Oh speaking of girl...noir how is the ice queen coming along eh?

He just shakes his head and starts to blush

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