"New teammate"

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(Y:N) headmaster....dont tell me-

(Ozpin) yes he is our informant.

Its taking all that I can have not pulling the trigger again and again, at my old friend turned enemy.

(Xander) look guys-

(Ven) NO!!, you look here bucko. Your nothing but a traitor. Not once but twice you tried to kill (y:n). I think that is a good enough reason why we should pluck you full of holes!

(Ozpin) Mr miles!...enough! Y:N put the weapon down at once.

I reluctantly reholster my gun back into my chest holster and back down.

(Ozpin) Mr frost here as risked his life coming here to give us information that would save countless lives. We owe him.

(Noir) owe him what!?

(Ozpin) a place back into S.O.U1....

(Y:N) but sir-

(Ozpin) no!.... If you decline i will have you sent home on the next transport, you have my word...

I look at ven both with concerning looks. I can tell they both have thier questions.

(Y:N) fine...but hes not sleeping with us.

(Ozpin) I usher you he won't. The white fang think that he is surveying the school, looking for possible entrances. All they know is that xander is still on thier side. Instead He will be our inside man getting information.

(Xander) im sorry...

I turn to look at him. His head is faceing the floor I can see tears falling down his face.

(Xander) for everything... For almost killing you,ven,noir-

(Y:N) threatening yang...

(Xander) yeah...that too

I want to hate him...i want to hate him so much but i just can't bring myself to it. In the end hes my brother...and always will be. I walk up to him and rest my hand onto his shoulder.

(Y:N) i-...I forgive you Xander. It should have been me there that night...not you.

(Ven) your just going to forgive him!!! After everything he has do-

I sence that noir shut him up. I embrace xander in a hug and let go. Looking into both of his eyes. I see his half destroyed face a slashed eye and wounded head and see my brother again...what ever ruby shot out of him it worked.

(Y:N) make up for your mistakes by getting us information on the White Fang...ok?

(Xander) you got it boss...

I turn back over to Ozpin. He stands up and walks us to the elevator.

(Ozpin) then it is agreed...Xander is apart of S.O.U1. Now get out there and get me progress Mr Frost.

(Xander) yes sir.

The elavoter closes and we start to decent. I can feel the anger admitting from ven. So can Xander.

The door opens and before i could take a step ven pushes to the side and stomps out.

(Y:N) we'll talk to him...he just needs time

(Xander) i hope he can forgive me... Well I should head back they are expecting me to check in.

(Y:N) hold on....you know you need to talk to her...

(Xander) oh....right.

(Noir) they all should be in goodwitchs class lets go.

We make our way across the school, Getting looks and quiet murmurs along the way we make it to the door of goodwitches class. Inside i hear a spar going on. From what i can tell it's a team vs team fight. I look over to Xander. I can tell he is nervous,why wouldn't he be.

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