Loves Complicated

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Antonella felt dumbstruck, confused really as she left the new Medical building the academy built after the hospital near them was attacked

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Antonella felt dumbstruck, confused really as she left the new Medical building the academy built after the hospital near them was attacked. She kept on replaying what Isaac had said in her head and the look of pure anger on his face.

She felt guilty even though she didn't know what she did wrong. She wanted to march back in there and demand to know why he was so mad at her. Especially after she saved his life. But it was still troubling her that it was so easy to save him.

Was it because of the adrenaline she got when determined to save him? Was it because the hunters and her sister wanted her to save him? So many questions and no answers.

She was so caught up in her own mind that she was oblivious to the fact that she was walking into the woods and someone was following her.

"How did I-" She cut herself off as she looked at her surroundings and then saw that Erica was behind her. "Erica, what are you doing here?"

"I was wondering the same thing," she said.

"I was heading to the dorm but I guess I was too caught up in my head," Andy confessed.

"Or you're sneaking off again," Erica suggested.

"I had to," Andy retorted.

"Honestly, I'm glad you did," Erica, for once looked genuine. Well, there was the time not long ago where Andy seemed she would kill her half-brother. Erica was the one to talk her out of it. "Isaac, Boyd, and Derek were the first ever people I really considered family."

Andy was confused why Erica was telling her this.

"My mom pretty much ignored me," she went on. "But some people aren't happy you guys went after him."

"Isaac, himself and Mack," Andy knew they weren't thrilled about it.

"And Derek," Erica added.

"Derek?" Andy questioned. "I'm just his resurrected girlfriend's sister."

"Yeah but he got physical with Tom to get the info out of him," Andy had completely forgotten to ask how they found out. "You would be surprised at how much he cares about your pack then he lets on. He comes off as someone who may not care but he does. He's that way."

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