Death Follows You Pt.2

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Like her vision, Antonella gasped in air as she shot up from the forest floor. Her leggings and shirt were torn and her braided hair was messy with leaves in it.

She smelt the same blood that wasn't hers from the man she killed.

Andy put her hand on the trunk of a tree to try to pull herself up. As she did she felt the same sharp pain in her shoulder and hip. Looking down she saw the knife deep in her right shoulder and bullet hole in her left hip.

She grabbed the handle of the steel blade and pulled it out with a painful yelp. She tossed it to the ground and leaned back on the tree. She then lifted her shirt to get better access to where the bullet was stuck inside her hip. Claws extracted from her fingertips and she dug them into the broken skin of where the bullet remained.

"Ah!" She half yelled and groaned as she finished taking the bullet out.

The only difference was that the bullet was more harmful than the one in her vision if she hadn't taken it out.

Andy looked around her surroundings and heard the same voices coming towards her.

"This is gonna be fun," the familiar voice said and she knew now that it was Jay.

"Be quiet," the other one, who was Nina, snapped. "She couldn't have gone far."

She knew what she did in her vision was dumb and fought her instinct to go toward them. But as she did in her vision, she chose against it.

She grabbed the blade that was thrown to the ground and slowly walked towards the them. She let her Alpha eyes shine while her nails were still extracted.

"Hello sister," Void Nina said as she and Void Jay came into her vision.

"Nerina...Jamie," Andy weakly mumbled. She saw the same darkness in their eyes, the Void in them. She knew what was coming.

Andy gasped falling to the ground as it felt as if her throat was closing as air was being stripped away from her by Jay.

When the air was returned to her she gasped again and clenched at her throat.

"You don't have to do this," Andy heavily breathed out.

"Oh," Jay chuckled. "But I do."

"You're right," Nina started. "This is fun."

Andy waited as she was then pushed backwards, and hit her water instead of the ground. Her body was engulfed by water and two heads came to hover over her.

She did what she knew she shouldn't, and looked to her right. She saw the blurry figure that couldn't be identified as neither human or animal that scared her a little. She looked to her right and saw a blurry figure.

The figure seemed to be getting closer to her.

'No!' She yelled in her head but she was actually making the motion with her mouth so she ran out of breath quicker.

She sat up, now on land again as she coughed up water.

"Who is that?" She asked panicky as she dug up the dirt, trying to find water. "Who is that?"

"Can you handle the rest?" Nina asked Jay as they ignored Andy.

"I can handle this like I handle my men," Jay tried but Nina just seemed even more annoyed.

"I've got to take care of something," Nina said blankly and left.

"You're boring," Jay complained and then pulled out a gun as Andy weakly stood up. "This sadly won't kill you, but it'll knock you out."

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