Part Sixteen

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  Chances are that when someone is hating on you, it's not about you at all. It's about them. It's their fear, their jealously, their boredom, and their insecurity.  


And once again I have a beautiful view in front of me.. a view of someone..

I scoffed cause sy nda pecaya sy bole say 'yes' sama dia.. last night, is the best night I had with him.. the night that I am myself.. we spent the night as man and woman.. For the first time ever, I slept with a client without the intention on charging but right now, James is not my client anymore.. He'll always be more..

Bila James cakap 'I'm gonna make you mine tonight', he already make me his.. in every word, in every action and in every part of his heart.. 

Sy senyum bila ingat scene semalam, it was romantic yet erotic, of course.. it is different this time.. different from the last time we had..

Are we destine to be together? I'm yet to know...




~Flash back~

"Gabby.. Thank you for tonight.. It was amazing..!!" Melinda nda berenti say thank you sama sy pasal urus event dia..

"My pleasure, Mel.." sy balas dia..

"Liam, you should keep her here.. She's the best and gonna make you fortune too.." c Mitch bilang lagi sambil ketawa..

"Yeah, maybe I will.." c Liam bilang lagi sambil tgk sy.. sy senyum ja..

nda lama c James datang join kami lepas dari counter reception p ambil fon dia yang kana tolong charge.. "Hey, guys.." c James tegur the M&M..

"Kenapa ko lambat sampai tadi oooo..?" c Mitch tya..

geleng2 kepala c James, terus dia silik c Liam.. Liam mcm nda senang pula.. "Something came up di hotel sy.. ada keja urgent sy urus.."

Mitch angguk2 ja.. "alright guys.. I'm gonna have the first night with my dearest wife.." terus dia peluk c Melinda.. "See you guys tomorrow.. Good night.."

Melinda sempat peluk & bisik sama sy, "ko tau ka ko jadi rebutan antara dua lelaki di belakang ko?" terus sy pusing belakang sy.. dua2 Liam & James tgk sy.. dua2 diorg senyum sama sy..

"but I'm team James, I like you with him.." I scoffed.. terus dia peluk sy.. "have fun tonight.." dia cium pipi sy.. I gasped.. what did she mean by that...? ahahaha..

"ko mau naik atas suda?" c James tya.. 

"Yah, I'm a bit tired.. Liam, thank you and good night.." Liam angguk2 ja.. terus dia beredar..

"I walk you to your room.." James bilang terus dia pegang tangan sy.. 

Masuk ja dalam lift, sy terus menyandar.. "Gila, sy nda berkerja pun sy penat juga ooo.." sy bilang sambil buka heels sy..

James tgk sy, dia berdiri berdepan sama sy.. Then he just kissed me, passionately and I kissed him back.. pintu lift terbuka sedang kami kissing, ngam2 ada elderly couple mau masuk..

"Ooppsss!!! sorry.. carry on.. we're not gonna peek.." bilang tu nenek, terus dia pura2 tutup mata ni.. sporting betul ni.. Sy sama James ketawa ja ni..

"you know, we use to be like both of you back then but now susah sikit, teda gigi beside kami nda tahan bau mulut masing2.." bilang tu nenek.. berabis sy sama c James ketawa.. nda lama sampai di tingkat diorg..

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