Part Twenty Four

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A/N: This chapter ada banyak conversation kio.. Perlahan-lahan kamu baca kio.. 😘😘 Ready2, Jangan ada yang sakit hati.. 😅😅




"Baby, are you ready yet?"

James teriak dari luar bilik..

"In a minute..!!" sy bilang.. urgggghhhh.. nothing I can fit on...

"James!! James!!!" terus sy nangis ni.. semua baju sy bertempiaran atas katil..

"Baby! what's wrong? What happen? Are you ok...?" bertubi-tubi soalan si James sambil tgk sy terus dia peluk sy ni... sy tulak dia.. sy menangis mcm budak-budak..

"Honey, please don't cry.. talk to me.." dia bilang..

sy tekup muka sy.. "teda baju yg sy bole muat..." terus sy buang badan sy di katil..

He sighed heavily, "Oh my gad, Gia.. you're scaring me, okay?" dia tarik kasi bangun, terus dia peluk sy.. he chuckles..

"James, it's not funny, okay?" sy tgk tu baju-baju yang bertempiaran di atas katil.. "I can't wear single cloths.. James, I'm fat..!!!" sy ampai kepala sy di bahu dia... I can smells his cologne.. The cologne yg sy suka dia pakai.. He kissed my head..

sy bole tau yg James geleng-geleng kepala ni

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sy bole tau yg James geleng-geleng kepala ni.. dia ketawa lagi ni... "Gia, just wear anything comfortable, okay.." he cupped my face.. "you're not fat, okay? you're just pregnant.. that's all.. and still beautiful to me.. always beautiful.." then he kiss my nose.. I scoffed..

It's coming to my seventh month pregnancy.. I'm freaking huge.. mcm gajah.. ahahha.. I'm double the size... apa nda gia, ada dua kan di dalam...

Sy bole terhidu bau badan sy ni sejak second trimester lagi.. Kadang sy malu sama c James.. Tapi teda juga dia complain.. Memahami betul dia ni.. 😌😌

Kalo James datang pi White Valley, sy nda sabar mau cium dia.. Sy macam 'mengidam' sama dia ni.. Kalo time tidur sy snuggle di leher dia sama ketiak dia.. Sy nda tau but he smells so good ba.. 😅😅

actually, ni malam James bawa pigi dinner ba tu.. sy nda mau pigi sebab satu sy malas mau jalan.. Sy berjalan macam penguin suda.. Tu dinner bole juga suru Hilda tolong kasi sedia but unfortunately Hilda sama Bernard cuti balik kampung and plus James insisted to go..

"Gabby? Are you okay?" si Nat berdiri di pintu.. "James, is she okay?" besar mata dia ni.. panik ba..

ketawa-ketawa c James.. terus sy pi tapap tangan dia.. "Nat, can you help her? She thinks she's fat.." James bilang sambil ketawa.. Nat sighed sambil geleng-geleng kepala..

Nat arrived a week ago before Hilda & Bernard balik kampung.. Itupun sebab James suru dia datang.. Sy lagi suka coz I missed my BFF so much!

Dia sampai pun sy nda tau.. James is full of surprises.. He even surprised me with Nat's appearance.. Brabis sy nangis nampak c Nat.. Its the first time I meet her after a while di White Valley.. Nat la ganti c Hilda, jaga makan minum sy.. Estella pun nda kurang ya membantu, oleh kerana dia tolong Stan babysit Melissa, jarang dia ada di White Valley..

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