A/N: Just so you know, I don't like this chapter.. It took me long enough to go through & rewrite.. Let me know what you think..
"I look for these qualities and characteristics in people. Honesty is number one, respect, and absolutely the third would have to be loyalty."– Summer Altice
Semua mata tgk sy, except c James.. Ben totally blank.. he have no idea about this either.. When I look back at James, his eyes full of anger..
"Kak, sepa tu?" Gina tya.. sy senyum ja sama Gina.. Joji pun tgk sy juga mau tau..
"Kawan.." sy jawab pendek..
Nat tgk sy, "bukan c -----"
"Yup, beb.. Dia la tu..." sy senyum tawar... nda juga bagus ba kan tetamu dtg nda kana jemput masuk.. Jalan p depan.. sy senyum..
Jared sambut dia with a bro hug..
"Gabby, sorry... Liam call sy tadi and I told him that we celebrating your birthday here.. So--" bilang c Jared..
"It's fine, Jared.." sy bilang, sy senyum ja..
"Hi everybody.." Liam greet sambil tgk org2 yang ada di dalam rumah sy..
"Hi Liam.. Masuk la.."
Liam pelahan-lahan maju p tempat sy.. "Happy birthday.." dia bilang senyum and pass satu bakul kertas.. terus dia cium pipi sy..
ok, its awkward..
Sy cepat kasi lari badan sy dari dekat c Liam..
"Eeeeeermm.. Thank you, Liam.. there's plenty of food here, help yourself.." sy bilang.. sempat juga sy kasi kenal dia adik2 sy.. James pula mcm nda senang dengan kehadiran c Liam.. sy nda juga bole buat apa2, takkan sy mau halau tetamu kan?
Lepas Liam p ambil makanan then dia join diorg c Jared & Ben moginum..
"Beb, you're so lucky..!! I can tell that this fine ass hunky, Liam ada hati sama ko juga ni.." bisik si Nat siku2 suda sy.. nasib James nda dengar..
"Lucky, my ass... Beb, I'm going to change.. ko layan dlu diorg.." bila sy silik c James, dia diam ja sambil scrolling fon.. sy tau dia tahan2 tu marah or maybe his jealously.. He heard what Jared said just now, bukan sy pandai2 gia jemput dia.. nevermind la.. Nat satu meja sama dia, join Gina & Joji bercerita, terus sy naik atas..
"Gia.." sy pusing.. sy senyum sama James yg mau hampir dekat sy.. terus dia peluk sy.. I must admit, it feels good in his hug..
"Happy birthday, honey.." James bilang lagi.. then, bagi sy deep kiss on the lips.. sy tau dia cuba mau cool down pasal ada c Liam, sy paham juga dia ni..
Mata dia tgk sekeliling ni tgkt atas.. "you have a wonderful home. can I see your room?"
"For what?"
"Oh come on.. You've seen my room" dia bilang.. mcm budak2 pula ni..
"Yeah.. fair enough but just so you know, this is not a million dollar home.." He rolled his eyes.. sy tunjuk bilik sy.. terus ja dia buka..
"Homey.." dia bilang sambil tgk sy.. dia duduk di meja belajar sy sambil belek2 tu buku yg ada di atas..
"Who's this?" Dia tunjuk satu gmbr frame.. I sit at the end of my bed facing him.. I sigh.. Suddenly all my childhood memory with them coming back..
My Other Side of the Story | Completed
General Fiction"Nda payah..!! Sy nda perlukan semua pertolongan ko!!.. sy nda perlukan rasa kasian ko..!! Just leave me alone.. Sy sedar juga ba sy ni apa..." "Please jangan begini.. just let me be in your life.. I want to understand you.." "Kenapa?! Nda cukup ka...