Third-Year Classes

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That night we were all sent to our dorms, I finally saw Pansy. She was as opinionated as ever. The next day my first class was most likely going to be my favorite. Muggle Studies, I didn't know a single person in the class. I was also the only Slytherin. You would think I would feel uncomfortable, but just the first day was amazing. The teachers name was Professor Burbage. The first forty minutes of class,  all she did was glare at me. But once she realized how I asked questions as well as answered them she began to smile. She was around thirty or forty years old. She had long blonde hair that curled at the ends, with shinny brown eyes. I thought she was actually beautiful. After class ended, I was picking up my belongings.

"Ms. Lee!" Professor Burbage called from the front of the room. I looked around to see all of the other children had left. She sat at her desk grading papers or just writing, I couldn't tell. I held my books close to my chest and flipped my straight jet black hair out of my face.

"Yes, Professor." I smiled down at her. She looked up at me with a look of curiosity.

"I have to admit, I was shocked to see you in my class. I didn't think you meant to join this class, but after a while I realized you actually have a interest in this topic. I know who you are, but why does someone like you have an interest in learning about muggles? The Malfoy's probably couldn't even tolerate them." She laughed.

"I-I don't know. I guess I just always was curious about what it's like to live in a world of blindness. I mean they have all of this going on around them, and they still don't notice us. But they aren't dumb they have their science and technology." I explained while gesturing to the room around me with a smile. It was true, I always did wonder what it would be like if I was born as a regular person without this burden, a muggle.

Soon I was off to my next class, Care of Magical Creatures. The teacher was Hagrid, I was excited to see how this would turn out. The class would take place out of the castle. We were told to meet at his hut. As I walked down the hills leading to the hut, I couldn't help but the remember the night Draco forced me to spy on Harry and them. I was so angry, but I easily forgave him, maybe I should forgive him now?

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Crabbe laughed as he huffed behind me struggling to walk down the hill. I threw my hand up in the air, using magic, causing him to fall to the ground and slide all the way to the bottom. I watched as he rolled over and grumbled on the ground.

"What are you crying so hard about?" I laughed as I walked passed him. He pulled himself up and followed me again. This time, he was quiet. I could get use to this mean thing. When Crabbe and I arrived at the Hut all of the other children were already there waiting on us.

"Come closer! Less talking if you don't mind!" Hagrid ordered a bunch of children who were misbehaving. We all gathered around the giant man as he prepared to lecture us outside of his house. Draco suddenly made his way besides me.

"Nothing says an expensive education like standing outside a smelly mans one room house." He mocked. I rolled my eyes and smirked. I had to go along with this, if I was going to survive the Malfoy's.

"I've got a real treat for you today! A great lesson. So follow me." Hagrid smiled. I could tell he was excited about this. I was excited for him. I could also tell Draco would find someway to make this seem terrible though. The entire class walked through the forest until we came to a clearing. I stood besides Crabbe on the end. I looked over and watched as Pansy obsessed over Draco. Unlike years before, he didn't seem too annoyed. He smirked at her as she giggled and got close. I rolled my eyes in annoyance, couldn't they do that another time? Like not in the middle of class?

"Right you lot, less chattering. Form a group over there." Hagrid ushered pointing to the far side of the clearing.

"Hey, Bella. Feel like I haven't seen you all year." Harry smiled walking up to me.

Isabella LestrangeWhere stories live. Discover now