HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban

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Please read this so I don't have to deal with comments saying:
"That's not right!"
"That didn't happen!"
Or any other type of corrections.

So this is where it starts to get interesting and the story begins to have a little bit of focus on Isabella. More characters will be introduced into the story. Remember if you have any questions or concerns please comment or message me.

Also the music in this is a big part. I will be using songs from different time periods. I will try to use some before the year 1994, but that's gonna be hard because I already have a little a song in here that was written in 2018 lol. But for understanding the music parts, you should turn the video on when you read the italic song and you can turn it off when the font goes back to normal.

Y'all let me know if you ever want a sex scene. I know it doesn't really talk about that stuff a lot in the movies or books. But I'd only do it if a majority of readers would want it.

Yes, I do realize this is not original and not  all written by me. But I did change a few things and add a few things. Like for example I added a new talent that I hope you all love and I changed some characters a little bit.  Also I'm basing this off the movies instead of the books because that would take waaaayyyyy too long. Rather watch the movie while I write the story at the same time. You know?


Again... the plot and character belong to the the great JK Rowling!! I did not come up with this. And god please atleast watch the movies before you read this.

Isabella LestrangeWhere stories live. Discover now