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I opened the door of the school. It was freezing outside and it felt good to be inside a building with heat. I yawned. It was 7:30 and all I wanted to do was go home and sleep. I seen my friends standing by the gym doors. I started walking over to them when something hit my side and I heard a thud on the ground.

I turned around and seen a boy. I knew the boy, it was Ponyboy. I don't have any classes with him but I heard he was very smart. I know he's in a lot of classes with Socs. He had dropped his books and a bunch of papers in the floor. I bent down and helped him pick them up. "Sorry," he mumbled, "I wasn't looking we're I was going."

"It's alright." I looked around for any more papers in the floor. I seen a book laying a few inches away. I walked over and picked it up.

"Here you go." I handed him the book. He smiled and took it, stuffing everything in his backpack.

"Thanks." He picked up his backpack and went to walk away. He turned back around and looked at me. "See you around, (Y/N)"

That shocked me. I figured he would just walk away and we would never speak again. I smiled at him and waved. "Yeah, sure."

He smiled and turned on his heels and walked over to his friends.


Lunch time finally came and I was starving. All I ate this morning was a bowl of cereal. As I was in line I felt someone hit my shoulder. Hey, (Y/N)." I looked up to see Ponyboy. I smiled at him. "Hey."

"Um, I was wondering if you had any plans Friday night."

Was he asking me out on a date? I've never been on a date before! I've never even had a boyfriend! All of my friends have but I haven't. I finally spoke up. "No, I don't think so."

"Oh, well that's good. Would you like to go out with me Friday night?"

"Yeah, I would love to." I wasn't done. I had one question. "Um, is this like a date or just two friends hanging out?"

"Would you like it to be a date?"

I knew my face was probably red. I like Ponyboy, he's really sweet, nice, funny, and smart. I wouldn't mind going on a date with him. "Um...I-Uh-"

I couldn't get the words out of my mouth. I wanted this to be a date. Ponyboy laughed at me. "It's a date." He was smiling and I couldn't help but smile back.

"I'll pick you up at eight." He went to walk away but I stopped him. "Wait, where are we going."

"I can't tell you. You'll have to wait and see."

I smiled and got my food and walked over to the table my friends were sitting at. I was smiling like crazy as I told my friends what happened. I can't wait 'till Friday.

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