Darry (Christmas)

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Since Christmas was this week, Darry was off of work for a week. Of course he didn't like that since he wasn't a fan of not making money. But you loved it when he was off. He is always busy working, even when he got home. Work, cook, clean, pay the bills, sleep, and repeat.

You had a big day planned for Darry. You wanted him to be relaxed as much as possible since he is always stressed. You walked over to his house early that morning to start your plan.

You ran inside and seen the Christmas tree up. You helped Ponyboy put it up yesterday and you wanted to help more today. You planned on putting lights on the tree (but you had to save the ornaments for them to put on), putting lights on the house, and fix breakfast.

It didn't seem like much but you wanted to help out some. You started out with the lights on the tree. You grabbed the lights and put them around it. This was probably your easiest task. Sure, they were all easy, just time consuming.

You grabbed out more lights and took them outside. You wrapped them around the porch railings. When you were done you turned them on and admired your work. You always love looking at Christmas lights. There's so many kinds, and their all so beautiful that you can't help but put some up of your own.

Finally, you started breakfast. You wouldn't be done in time like you wanted, but you would be close. You cooked pancakes, bacon, and eggs. While the bacon was frying, you heard footsteps coming down the hallway. You looked and seen Ponyboy staring at the Christmas tree.

"Hey, Ponyboy," You smiled.

"Did you do this?" He pointed to the tree.

"Mhm. Go look outside." Pony went outside like you said.

"Whoah," he said while coming back inside. "That's awesome! When did you do all this?"

"This morning."

You finally finished breakfast. By the time you finished Darry came in. He was amazed by everything and even more when Pony told him who did it.

He had a huge smiled plastered across his face. He gave you a big hug and thanked you.

"What can I do to repay you?"

"You don't need to repay me. A thanks was good enough." That and his smile and hug.

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