Ponyboy - Part 2

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It's been 9 months now. The baby still hasn't arrived, but it's expected to any day. You both don't know the gender, you wanted to wait until it's born so it would be a surprise.

You know live at the Curtis house. Your parents got really mad and they kicked you out. The Curtis's were mad too when they found out, but it wasn't as bad as your parents. At least the didn't kick you and Ponyboy out.

Ponyboy has been very supportive for the past 9 months. So have the gang, who agreed to help with the baby. The only thing that made everything hard was school. Darry still made you go, and the whole school found out pretty quick. Then the rumors spread. Your friends were also supportive and didn't tell a soul. They even come over to the Curtis quite often.

You were sitting on the couch with Ponyboy when you felt something. "Crap," You mumbled. Pony looked at you worriedly. "My water broke."

"Really? Oh my gosh! Do we need to get you to the hospital?"

You sat up and pain ran through you. You shut your eyes and could only get out "Mhm." Pony helped you up and walked you out to the car. Everyone else was right behind you. You all jumped in the car and headed to the hospital.

Pony held your hand as you laid your head back on his shoulder. The pain was unbearable. And you couldn't be more happy when you finally made it to the hospital. The boys helped you inside, and when the nurses seen you they immediately sprung into action. They grabbed a wheel chair and wheeled you away as Darry signed you in.

You were back in a room for a few minutes until Ponyboy came in. You gritted your teeth in pain as he grabbed your hand and stroked your hair. "Shh, (Y/N), it's ok. I'm here."

Pony talked to you in a calming voice until the baby was born. And she was beautiful. You held your baby as it cried. "Shh," You cooed. "Your okay." You gently rocked her in your arms until she stopped. You looked up at Ponyboy who was staring at her with a huge smile on his face. "What are we going to name her?"

"Hmm...I want something original, like the way my parents named me." Pony though for a minute before saying, "Goldlily. Goldlily Jane Curtis."

"That's a beautiful name Ponyboy," You looked back down in your baby's blue eyes before looking back up at Ponyboy. "You wanna hold her?"

He backed up a bit and held up his arms. "I don't want to hurt her."

"You won't hurt her, Ponyboy. I promise." Pony walked back over and held out his arms. You placed the baby in his arms as he cradled her.

"Hey, baby girl." He had a smile on his face as he talked to her. "I'm your Daddy and I'm going to take good care of you. I promise." He then leaded down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

You smiled at the sight of them. The two people in front of you were the best things that ever happened to you. And you wouldn't want your life any other way.

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