Part 4

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David's centre for Alzheimer's, send a specialized vehicle to carry the patient's belongings along. Natasha and her mother sat in the comfortable seat, where a paramedic was present if anything goes wrong.

When they arrived, Natasha saw Sam and she smiled. The team of doctors and nurses took her mother in. And suddenly a beautiful Audi stopped in front of them. To Natasha's surprise, Steve stepped out of it.

"Mr. Rogers! " the head of the centre greeted him, shaking his hand.

Steve walked to her, she didn't know what to do, so she just stood there.

"Natasha, this is Dr. Benjamin, he is the head of this place and he would make sure, your mother gets the best care" Steve explained.

"And Doctor, this is my fiance, Natasha. You'll be taking care of my mother in law" Natasha was shocked at how easily Steve took that way with the conversation.

"Pleased to meet you, soon to be Mrs. Rogers" The doctor said politely, "why don't you both come in and we can show you what all we have. After all, Mr. Rogers has contributed a lot for our centre"

Natasha looked up at Steve. Was she actually so lucky all of a sudden? This handsome, rich guy, wanted not just to marry her, but to provide her with the best comforts.

They joined the doctors to see all that the centre had to offer. Natasha was so happy to see that her mother had her own room, designed perfectly, larger then her room at their house. They told them of the activities they perform with the patients. And Natasha saw how many men and women sat, drinking coffee, talking about random stuff. They all looked like they lived at the normal old age home.

"Thank you" Natasha said in a barely audible voice.

Steve looked at her and gave her a nod. They joined Dr. Benjamin in his cabin, where he explained more of the stuff. At last, Natasha went back to see her mother, hugged her and then left with a heavy but satisfied heart.

When they exit the centre, she noticed a tall, pretty girl standing beside Sam.

"Ah, Natasha, this is Maria Hill" Steve said.

"Mrs. Rogers" Maria held her hand out for her and she shook it.

"She will be your personal assistant and body guard. Maria, I hope Sam gave you everything you'll need. Take her shopping. There's less then 3 days left for the wedding. I hope you know what to do so, get going " Steve said.

"Everything would be done" Maria said.

"Take care" Steve said to Natasha, touching her cheek gently. Natasha blinked and smiled.

Sam left with Steve and Natasha joined Maria in her car.

"I hope you like the car, we didn't ask for your opinion, I am sorry" Maria said, "this would be your car, obviously "

"My car? " Natasha then started noticing the interiors, it was brand new, and perfect.

"Yes, I'll only be driving it.  I can teach you to drive if you want, but I have to accompany you everywhere so" Maria explained.

"I'll love to learn, please do" Natasha said.

"Okay, ma'am here's the schedule I made to get done maximum we can in our given time. I am told you will be accompanying your sister to her new school, or I would be taking you, so tomorrow won't be available for everything we need to get done" Maria started, "We shall look for casual and formal wear for you today, as much as we can for now, till your special designer stuff is delivered. Jewelry and other accessories  included. We have to stop by Martin's for your wedding dress fittings, and if you want some alterations. And we have to look for color patterns, furniture, and more for your new room"

"My room? Won't I.. Be sharing it with.. " Natasha didn't know he would be staying separate, not that she mind.

"He thinks it would be more comfortable for you to have your own room, till you.. " Maria said.

Natasha nodded, "How are we gonna get all of this done? It's 11 a.m, I have to return home by 4, the foster family is coming to take my brother. Tomorrow we have to go to the school which is 200kms far, and then its just one day left"

"Oh my God, we need to get you some beauty treatment too. Shit, its a lot to be done "she cursed and then raced the car towards Martin's, because first things first.

Natasha had her fittings done, and Martin gave her an idea of her dress on digital display. Natasha was dumbstruck and was sure she didn't deserve to be in that dress with her tired face.
Then the two of them went shopping for everything, Natasha pretty much liked everything in the grand designer boutiques and let them decide what fit her best.

By lunch time, they ate quickly at a local restaurant, & then hunt for the room decoration begun. Once again Natasha was overwhelmed with everything. And whatever she gave heart eyes to, Maria went ahead and purchased. At 3:30pm, Maria dropped her to her house.

"Tell me when you are done with the meetings so that I can pick you for the spa and everything " Maria said.

"Why are you leaving, come in. I'll make you coffee" Natasha said sweetly.

"Oh ma'am, you are so sweet. But, I.. Okay I'll make my own coffee" Maria said, "because I am paid to serve you"

Natasha smiled and they walked in. The girls chatted a lot, and even Nadia grew fond of Maria.

"Maria, I know you.. But.. Can we be friends? I don't have anyone.. So" Natasha said hesitantly.

"Of course, ma'am. I am here for everything you need, even a friend" Maria replied.

"Then please don't call me, Ma'am. Call me, Nat" Natasha said.

"Okay!! Nat" Maria winked.

Maria helped her pack George's stuff and when he returned from school, he was read to leave with his new foster parents.

Next chapter would be😉😉
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