Part 5

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Natasha and Nadia got ready to leave, and hurried out as they heard the horn. As Natasha opened the door, she was shocked to find Steve, instead of Maria.

"You?.. I mean.. I thought Maria.. " she was so confused.

"Yeah, I thought it was better if I took you, check everything myself" he said, taking the trolley bag from her and put it inside the car. Nadia appeared behind her.

"Oh!! Uh.. Is he? " she asked.

"Yeah" Natasha said, "Steve, this is Nadia, my sister. And Nadia, this is my fiance Steve "

"Nice to meet you, kid" Steve pat her head.

"Same" Nadia replied.

"Get in" he said.

Nadia climbed into the back seat, and Natasha hesitantly got in the front seat beside Steve, fastening her seat belt.

Steve hit the accelerator and they sped off. It was a long drive, and it was awkwardly silent.

"Uhm, Nadia.. There is a box under Natasha's seat. Its for you" Steve said.

Nadia took it out in a rush and opened it. It was a brand new latest smartphone.

"This is for me? Thank you so much, bro in law" Nadia said excited.

"Your welcome, I thought you'll need a proper gadget to talk to your sister" Steve said.

Natasha smiled at how considerate and sweet he was. Unable to understand, how a person like him didn't have a girlfriend and was marrying this way.

They arrived at the school, and Nadia loved it at first sight itself. The principal was polite and humble, assuring Natasha of the best comfort. They talked with the teachers, visited the classes and hostel, and then helping her settle in her room, Natasha bid her a painful goodbye.

"I hope you turn out to be way better then your brother " she said, kissing her forehead and then leaving.

Only when they left the building, did she realize she'll be all alone with her husband to be.

He walked slowly, to keep with her, close enough but not that any part of their bodies brushed. It was a chilly night, and Natasha didn't have much warmer clothes on, she started rubbing her hands on her arms.

Steve noticed her discomfort, and took his jacket off. Unlike his usual suits, he was in jeans, a black T-shirt and a black leather jacket. He put the jacket on her shoulders, the touch startling her.

"Put it on" he said.

"What about you? " she asked.

"I'm fine" he said. She put her arms inside the jacket, and zipped it up, feeling warm instantly.

"Thank you" she said, "For everything you have done for me, for my family "

"It's nothing compared to what you'll be doing " he said.

"I'll just be marrying you " she said, "when you could have done that with any girl who didn't have such baggage along"

"There's a reason I chose you, Natasha. We've been searching for over two months, and you were the 29th candidate, it took Sam another two weeks to investigate everything and be perfectly sure" he explained.

They had reached their vehicle and gotten in. He switched the heater on, and Natasha took the jacket off, putting it on her lap.

"But.. I really don't understand.. You are so.. How come you don't have a girlfriend? Or you did and had a heartbreak? Is that why? " she wanted to know so badly.

"I never had the time to date. I never believed in love, nor do I, now. I wouldn't have gotten married if not for my problem. I would tell you about it after we are married, its just too private for now" he said.

Natasha nodded, its alright if he isn't comfortable to talk about it yet. He considered it private and wanted to share after marriage, that meant she would be allowed in his privacy.

"I don't want to take anything from you. Except of course, you are my wife so you have to be loyal" he said.

Natasha laughed a little, "Don't worry, my record has been clean for more then 2years. No dating, no going out, nothing. For a change, at least I would have a relationship that just demands loyalty "

The road was almost empty and smooth, he looked in her direction, and tug a hair behind her ear. She flinched a little but met his eyes, that had something strange in them.

"You are so beautiful " he said, his fingers sliding down her cheek, caressing her jaw and neck.

She didn't say anything and he turned his gaze back at the road. They didn't talk again and Natasha dozed off in the comfortable seat and environment. Steve didn't dare disturb her beauty sleep.


Natasha was in such a deep slumber that Steve didn't want her to wake up. He knew how she couldn't sleep, what her life was life and now that she was free, she should get her rest. So, instead of dropping her to her house, he drove to his, and without waking her up, he cradled her in his arms. Her long lustrous red hair fell on his arms, her head rested on his shoulder. She was tiny and fragile weighing so little, Steve didn't even feel it. Her curves did feel wonderful in his grasp. His hand held her just below her bust, he could feel the voluminous breasts, and hips. Even as thin as she was, she was so curvy and perfect. Steve didn't pay much attention to girls usually but he definitely had a type when he wanted to get laid. Natasha felt exactly like that.

He carried her inside the mansion, her room was almost ready but the smell of the new paint, and furniture would irritate her, so he carried her into his own room, unknowingly possessive of her, when he could take her to any other room.

He lay her on the bed and removed her sandals, she cuddled the small cushions and got comfortable, and he pulled the covers on her.

Her hair spread on the pillow, her cheeks all flushed due to cold, her lips full and juicy. She looked so beautiful, and Steve could feel his arousal. He wanted to touch her, to feel her, he was already imagining things that weren't holy. But obviously they weren't married yet and she needed her space. He couldn't rush. He shouldn't behave like a horny, desperate guy.

Sighing he closed his and hurried out if the room, shutting the door for her.

Uhm, Steve? You naughty boy😂
Natasha, you have no idea of his feelings.
Anyways, do give your reviews.

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