Natasha and Steve, along with Maria and Sam left for the airport. Natasha had never traveled by air. She could never afford. She admired the airport, and everything about it, and was amazed at the luxuries of first class.She had a seat besides Steve, and Sam and Maria sat behind them. Natasha loved that Steve paid for their first class tickets too.
She eagerly listened to the instructions and read the leaflets. And when the plane started taxi, she was scared, her heartbeat racing. In her fear, she held Steve's hand on the arm rest. She realized and then took her hand back.
"It's okay" he said, taking her hand, "I am here with you, always"
She smiled at him, and he held her hand until the plane was high in the sky.
He let her sit inside, so she can admire the view from above, and she was so happy.
"Its so amazing, everything looks so small from here. So beautiful " she said.
"Sure is" he replied. The hostess arrived then and asked them if they needed anything.
"Some black coffee would be fine" Steve said.
"Some orange juice please" Natasha said.
The hostess smiled and walked away.
"So? I think as friends, we should start getting to know each other" she said.
"What do you want to know? " he asked.
"For starters, your full name, age, birth date, something about your education, family " she said shrugging her shoulders.
"Steven Grant Rogers, age 36, 4th of July, business studies, my father was an alcoholic that killed him, I don't even want to know about my mother, she just gave me birth, I was raised by my grandparents " he answered.
"36? You are ten years elder then me? You don't seem a day older then 30, max 32" she said, "What about your hobbies? "
"My work is my passion and hobby, after that some music, working out, and painting " he said.
"Painting? Can you really paint good? " she got excited.
"Yes, I think. I can paint you" he said.
"Can't wait, and what's your favorite food, color etc? "
He laughed, "Friends should figure that out, not ask... I am not very good at the friends department but I know that much"
"Agreed" she said.
"Now, its your turn to let me know more" he pointed at her.
"You already know about my full name and age" she said
"Yeah, I know the bio data, proceed further" he said, "what happened to your dad? "
"I don't know, I was too young when he left my mom. She was alone for long until George's dad came along. He was a good man, but misunderstandings happen... And he left the country so I couldn't contact him when mom.. I wish he is okay and can return someday.. He was in the military so we don't have any means of" she held back a sob.
"I wish he is okay too" he said, "What about boyfriends? "
She raised an eyebrow, "Are you being sneaky Mr. Rogers? " she laughed, "I had a boyfriend in high school, and then another in college"
"And? " he demanded more details.
"It didn't work out, both times. We needed different things in life" she replied, "tell me about you mister. Girlfriends, hookups? How many? "
"No girlfriends, just one night stands or small flings that ended within a week. I don't understand the complicity of romance" he replied.
"But you are getting married to a random girl" she frowned.
"Not a random girl, a hardworking, sweet and compassionate girl who values family and would do anything to safeguard it. Also, the most beautiful girl I have ever seen" he said.
She blushed, "You didn't have to add the last sentence "
"Of course, I did. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on" he said emphasizing each word.
She couldn't say anything after that, her cheeks flushed and heated. The hostess brought them juice and coffee and offered some magazines and newspaper. Natasha didn't take one, and an instead started to watch a movie on the little screen. Steve was reading the newspaper.
They were served some snacks later on, and Natasha loved the service.
"You didn't tell me about your hobbies" he said after they were done eating.
"I like to read and I used to do ballet, but everything was before I was burdened with responsibilities" she said.
"I would love to see you dance. What did you read? " he asked.
"Harry Potter, some romantic novels, sometimes thrillers and detective novels " she replied.
"Good, I know what to gift you on birthdays then" he teased.
"Same here" she said.
"Are you excited? For the wedding I mean? " he asked, and she was speechless for a while.
"I have been avoiding the thought, its just too overwhelming. Walking down the aisle, all dressed up, saying vows, promises. I don't know" she said, "I never thought about marriage before, never prepared myself, never thought I'll find some one "
"Are you.. Satisfied with me? "
She gave him a soft half smile, "I surely am. I haven't met someone as handsome, charming and gentle manly before"
"Thanks a lot for those compliments" he said.
"Your welcome " she laughed.
"Give your eyes some rest. I think we'll be there soon. You'll have to go through a lot of stress" he said.
"You care so much about my rest" she said, "I will be fine"
"Your are my wife, my only relationship after my grandparents. I might not love you, but I do value you"
"Value is much more important then love, I have realized it the hard way" she said.
Steve asked the hostess to get Natasha a blanket and more cushions and helped her adjust her seat to make her comfortable. She closed her eyes and drifted off after some time.
Here's another update in less then 12 hours. Enjoy😁
Do give your reviews. I need more comments to boost myself.

The billionaire's wife
Fanfiction[Romanogers AU] Steven Grant Rogers is a successful businessman, who inherited and worked his way through. Even at 36, he is still single, and isn't ready for commitment. But his grandfather's will compels him to change his mind. Natasha Romanof...