Part 6

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Natasha woke up and stretched, then she realized she wasn't in her own bed and sat up, looking around the gigantic room, she saw various pictures of Steve on the walls, and understood that it was his room.

Before she could come on any conclusions, the bathroom door opened and Steve stepped out, wearing nothing but a towel around his torso.

He looked hot, with his wet hair, his perfect body, the large muscles with droplets of water on them. But Natasha looked away before it got awkward and embarrassing.

"Uh.. Please don't misunderstand, this is my room but.. I slept in the other one besides, you had it all to yourself. You fell asleep and I know how less sleep you get, I couldn't.. Your room is ready but the smell of paint isn't good so.. " he said everything in a hurry.

"Its.. Thank you. I haven't slept like that since ages" she said politely.

"I called Maria, she has all the stuff you need. Freshen up and join me for breakfast " he said.

She nodded and he disappeared behind another door.

"May I come in? " Natasha heard a knock and Maria's voice.

"Yeah" she replied.

Maria entered with a smile and two large plastic bags in her hands.

"Here's all the stuff you'll need. I'll settle this in the bathroom " she said and went inside.


Steve was glad Natasha didn't notice his very obvious arousal. The sight of her, sleepy eyes, messed hair, rosy cheeks. It was so difficult for him to control himself.

When he left the dressing room, she was already inside the bath and the shower ran. He almost imagined her in it, but then shook his head to get the messy thoughts away and went downstairs.

He sat down and breakfast was served, but he didn't start, he waited for her.

Natasha descended the stairs in a short while, wearing a white floral sundress that fell to her knees. She looked so beautiful, Steve couldn't take her eyes off her. Maria came with her.

"Good morning " she said, pulling the chair on his left.

"Here" he gestured to his right, "your place is here. On my right"

Natasha smiled and walked to the seat, pulling it to sit. Her aroma filled his lungs.

"You are spending most of the day at the beauty salon. The rest, for the final dress fittings, and to pack whatever you have to from your house. " Maria said.

"Get back by 10 at night" Steve said, "I don't want your sleep harmed. We have a flight at 8 in the morning "

"Should I stay here? At night? " Natasha asked.

"Yes, what's the point of staying there? You belong here, with me" he said.

She nodded. They helped themselves at breakfast. Steve watched her eat so contently and happily. He poured some juice for her and passed the glass.

"Drink this, you'll feel good and fresh " he said.

"Thank you" she said, taking the glass. Their fingers brushed and he felt shivers down his spine but she didn't seem to be bothered.

He finished his food and got up, "I'll hopefully see you at dinner" he said to Natasha, taking her hand and kissing it gently before he left.


Natasha stared at herself in the mirror as she had her wedding gown on.

The beautiful mermaid lace gown hugged her curves in all the perfect places. Her transparent back displayed her skin which she thought had never looked so perfect before.

"What do you think? " Maria asked the beautician, "Up do or let down hair? "

"I think an up done bun would look fabulous " she replied.

Natasha was mesmerized by the dress, it felt like a dream wedding and she felt like a princess in it.

"I think its a perfect fit" Martin said.

"Yes, it definitely is. Thank you" Natasha replied.

"Oh sweety, its a pleasure to design something for you. I awaited this day since long, had almost given up on Steven's marriage" Martin said.

Natasha smiled then returned to change it. Martin packed it up and Maria collected it.

They went back to her house and Maria helped her pack. Their weren't many happy memories associated with the house so she didn't feel sad much. The land lord arrived and she handed over the keys to him.

"Congratulations, child" he pat her head, "hope you get the happiness you deserve ".

The rest of the day, Natasha spent at the saloon. She just lay there with women doing everything from her toe nails to her hair. Her feet and hands were massaged, her hair oiled, shampooed, blow dried, curled at places, straightened at others. A lot of masks and creams and facial stuff applied to her face.

It was after dawn, that they were finally done. And when Natasha looked at her reflection, she didn't quite recognize herself. Her dark circles, blackheads, and little details of her face she didn't care about earlier were all gone. Her skin glistened and looked so fresh. Her eyes sparkled behind her thick natural lashes. Her red hair looked thick and voluminous and so perfect. She looked so damn beautiful, like a Hollywood star.

"He's so gonna loose it, seeing you like that" Maria teased.

Natasha blushed a little, and she looked even prettier.

"Let's go, Mrs. Rogers" Maria said.

She smiled and followed her, and they returned to the mansion, her new and permanent house. Her home.

I am so in love with this story.
Do give your reviews.

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