(4 years later)
Natasha parked her car and unfastened the seat belt. She was independent now, Maria didnot accompany her everywhere. She was more confident, a good wife and mother. Fulfilling all her duties well.
She kissed the forehead of her six months old son, and he smiled at her, so bright and cute. She released his belt, and took him in her arms.
"Hey baby" she kissed her little nose, "Aren't you the happiest company".
Locking the car, she stepped off to the long pathway, carrying her little one in her arms.
On lookers were amazed at the view. A beautiful woman, wearing leather skin tight pants, a leather jacket and clubmasters covering her eyes, her flame color hair falling on her back, with a cute little baby in her arms.
"Hey, little one" she kissed his cheek, "we are almost there".
They both stopped outside the gates of a kindergarten school.
"Here he comes" she said, taking her goggles off.
"Mommy!! " James Rogers, Natasha and Steve's elder son yell, running towards his mother and little brother.
Natasha bend down to hug him, while holding her younger son, Anthony.
"Hey, little prince" she kissed his cheek, "you look very happy today"
"Because no school tomorrow, mommy. Summer holidays" he said excitedly.
"Very good, you again prove to be more like your mommy" she stood up and held his hand.
"Why mommy? " he asked innocently.
"Because daddy loved school" she replied.
"What? Who loves school? I hate school, my friends hate school too" he said.
Natasha laughed. Getting back in the car, she secured Anthony in the baby traveler and fastened James's seatbelt.
"Mommy, when will daddy return? " James asked, his face losing a little color.
"He will be back before you get up from your slumber tomorrow " Natasha said with a smile.
James returned the smile, "Are we going home? "
"Hmm, let's see. How about going to the mall, some rides, pizza, and ice cream? And if you want, we can shop for new clothes too" Natasha said, starting the engine.
"And toys? Mommy, I want new toys" he said.
"Of course baby, of course" she replied, "Your aunt is coming to stay with us for the summer too. We need to buy her a present".
"And she will meet Anty for the first time" James said.
Natasha laughed, driving ahead towards the mall.
Her life was complete. A perfect family of four. But they wanted a daughter so they had decided to try again once Anthony completes his first year.
And if Steve was a perfect husband, Natasha found him to be an even more perfect father. He loved his children like crazy, but it wasn't just pampering them. He didn't have a father role model but he behaved like he was raised by one. And James was an obedient and calm kid, despite all the wealth and status.
Natasha made sure her kids knew about the world outside of theirs. So when James grew tired of his toys, or out grew his clothes. Natasha took him to distribute his belongings among the orphans. She let him make friends there, and James was kind like his parents. He started to save his candies and chocolates bars, hiding them and then taking them to the orphange. Steve and Natasha were so touched. They explained that he didn't have to hide, and he was allowed to bring anything for his friends.
Steve suggested he brought these things separately for the kids but Natasha adviced to do so but by not letting Janes know. She wanted to see her child care for his less fortunate friends.
Anthony was too young for all that, he was just his mama's baby for now. Steve was sometimes angry that Anthony didn't leave his mommy alone. Natasha always laughed.
Natasha's old room was transformed into the children's room. Although they had plenty of other rooms in the mansion. Natasha wanted that room utilized by her children.
Steve himself painted the walls of the room, drawing cartoons and animals. One wall howere, just had Natasha's beautiful portrait, painted by Steve, during her last days of pregnancy with James.
Natasha parked the car and helped her kids out. Pulling the baby carriage out and settling little Anthony in it, who was asleep by then.
"Where do you want to go first, baby? " Natasha asked.
"Play town" he said excitedly.
She took his hand and guided him, while pushing Anthony's carriage.
James played a lot, then bought a lot of toys, that the store agreed to have delivered.
By the time the pizza arrived, he was extremely hungry.
Anthony lay in Natasha's lap, having his bottle of milk, while Natasha helped James eat.
All the while, she didn't know, she was being watched, followed, her every step measured.
"You will be mine" he thought, crushing the can of pepsi in his fist, "No marriage, no children, nothing can keep us separated anymore. You belong to me. My love. I am back to take you, forever"
Romanogers children are the cutest.
Do give your reviews.

The billionaire's wife
Fanfic[Romanogers AU] Steven Grant Rogers is a successful businessman, who inherited and worked his way through. Even at 36, he is still single, and isn't ready for commitment. But his grandfather's will compels him to change his mind. Natasha Romanof...