Steve stormed into Natasha's room and took her by the wrist pulling her out of her room."Steve? What are you doing? You are hurting me. Steve, what is wrong with you?" She protested but in vain. He pulled her into his room and closed the door.
"You'll stay here, with me, like all wives are supposed to. Our little distances are sending out the wrong message" he yelled.
She was shocked and tears formed in her eyes, "wrong message?"
"Clark Kent thinks you are falling in love with him. Because I can't provide you, love. Because ours is a marriage of convenience" Steve spoke bitterly.
Natasha was sad and angry. If only she had talked to Steve before Clark could.
"He is insane. I have nothing in my heart for him. You should trust me" she said.
"I do" he stepped forward and cupped her cheeks, " I trust you, baby. It's him, and other creeps that I don't. You are beautiful and smart and the perfect wife. He envies me and he wants you. And I don't want any more distances or staying away. You are my wife and you stay with me"
She nodded, trying to understand his point of view. What they did inside their house couldn't reach Clark's ears. But she didn't protest. Rooms did not matter. His happiness and their relationship mattered.
"I'm sorry baby, but you need to leave that dance school now," he said, " I'll set up everything here for you, just stay here and do what you love".
She nodded. He moved forward and kissed her forehead.
"I have some work left, will see you at night," he said and left.
A normal husband would have added,'love you' at the end. But Steve didn't understand love. He never said he loved her. But that didn't mean anything. Natasha was trying to put these ridiculous thoughts away.
The servants shifted some important stuff to Steve's room. And Natasha sat down. It wasn't like she was never there before. She spend a lot of nights in that room, sometimes she didn't get out until the next night. Steve and she made love on that bed countless times.
Made love, the words felt weird to her. How was it making love if they weren't even in love? Was it just sex? But it had emotions. They cared for each other. But love.
She put her hands on her temples.
"He has planted a seed in my mind," she said to herself, "I can't think like this".
At night Steve returned and they had dinner in silence. When they were back in their room, Steve got close to her and kissed her neck. But Natasha was lost. She couldn't think straight.
"What are you planning to do?" She asked.
"Don't you know?" he traced her neck with his index finger, "I am making love to you".
She looked at him, " Love? Steve, do you love me?"
He looked at her confused, " What's wrong baby? I..You know, I don't believe in love".
"Then, how is this making love?" She asked, " this is sex. Simple post-marital sex".
"Natasha?! What? I told you, I told you I cannot love. I don' knew that" he said.
"Yes, I did. But I think I was a fool because " she moved out of bed, " there cannot be a marriage without love. There has to be love. If not before then after. We are bound for life, Steve. And you say you don't love me, how are we supposed to"
Steve stepped out and grabbed her arms, " Is it about Clark? Did he plant his madness right? Are you actually falling for his trap?"
"Steve, no..but what he said was... I don't know, Steve. We...We have been together for more than a year now. I, There has to be something, right?" She had tears in her eyes.
"You cannot leave me. It was part of the deal. You cannot leave me, ever!!" He yell.
"I'm not leaving you, Steve. Please, just try and understand. I wanna ask you if there's a little bit of affection, a little bit of love" she cried.
"I care for you, I treasure you, Natasha you are my wife, you mean the world to me. People fall in love, fall out of love. I don't trust that emotion" he said.
"But that is love, Steve," she said.
"Are you sure?" He asked, " do you love me?"
"I don't know," she said.
"See, you don't understand it either. You want to be with me, forever. That should be enough"
"And what about..." She was gonna say something but she felt too nauseated and rushed to the washroom. Steve rushed behind her. She was puking heavily in the basin.
"Nat? Is everything alright?" He asked, " should I call the doctor?"
"Steve? What date is it?" She asked.
"23" he replied.
She puked again and then rinsing her mouth she rushed to her previous room. Steve followed her again. She was searching her drawers.
"What do you want? Nat, just tell me" he screamed.
"I put it here, I remember, " she said to herself, more than to him.
Steve was confused, but then she found what she was looking for and hurried into her own washroom. He was following but she shut the door and locked it.
He was impatient and yell her name, asking her to let him in and help her. But she didn't open until after a few minutes. And when she did. She looked like a mess.
"Are you alright?" He asked. She held out something in her hand.
"Steve, I think..I think, I'm pregnant" she said.
Steve took the three pregnancy kits from her hand, all of them showing positive.
"We..we are expecting a baby?" He asked.
She nodded tears of joy in her eyes.
"We are having a baby, Natasha" he screamed in excitement and she laughed. He pulled her into his arms and twirled picking her up. She laughed and smiled and his happiness knew no bound.
"I'll..I'll go tell...Sam and Maria, we need to celebrate" he said. She nodded and he left.
She went to stand by the mirror and caressed her lower belly, " Thank you...thank you for announcing your arrival, now. When I..." She blushed, " I love you, baby. And I think, I...I love your daddy too".
Phew, I managed to finally type this through.
Do give your reviews.

The billionaire's wife
Fanfiction[Romanogers AU] Steven Grant Rogers is a successful businessman, who inherited and worked his way through. Even at 36, he is still single, and isn't ready for commitment. But his grandfather's will compels him to change his mind. Natasha Romanof...