Part 24

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Steve and Natasha were cuddling in bed. He couldn't stop adoring her, and she loved every part of it.

"You are so beautiful " he said, kissing her neck, for maybe the 100th time.

"And you are so cute" she said, tracing his fine jaw.

"You know what? Day after tomorrow,  I am taking a day off, to spend with my beautiful wife" he kissed her again, "I will take you everywhere in this city"

She blushed, "Thank you" she said, "I brought you something "

Steve raised an eyebrow and Natasha left the bed to grab her purse. She took a small spherical key chain and gave him, "You make me happy" she said, giving him the happy face.

He smiled and pulled her back to himself, his lips crushing hers.

"I'm hungry" she said, pushing him away, "let's go eat somewhere else"

"As you say" he said, getting out of the bed.

They both left the hotel and walked down the street to a Chinese restaurant. Steve let her order for both of them. They ate and talked, like friends.

"Care if I join you? " they heard a voice, and looked up from their plates. Clark stood there with a young boy by his side.

Natasha didn't know what to say, so she stayed silent and looked at Steve, who, being a gentleman, nodded.

"Thank you" Clark said, "By the way, this is Barry, my nephew"

"Hi, Barry" Natasha said cheerfully, and held her hand out, "Natasha"

"Hey" Steve said.

Clark and Barry took the empty chairs.

"Celebrating victory again? " Clark asked Steve.

"Victory? " Natasha asked, amused.

"Haven't you told your wife how you snatch everything from me? " Clark said.

"It's not my problem that you don't try enough " Steve said, almost arrogantly. But Natasha adored his confidence.

"We were in school together, and Steve has been the first ever since. I was always second, in everything " Clark said.

Natasha laughed, "Its okay, Clark. I suggest you try something different, something that he can't do"

"Already at it " Clark said, giving a charming look to Natasha.

"So? " Natasha turned to Barry, "You tell me something about yourself "

"My mom was Clark's cousin, my parents died when I was four. I have been with him ever since. He doesn't like the idea to send me off to some foster family and keeps annoying me with care" Barry explained.

Natasha's heart melt at the boy's revelation.

"That's really.. Sweet of you" she said.

"I think you can relate" Clark said.

"Kind of.. Yeah" she sighed.

"Anyways, Steve.. The main motive to disturb your precious date was to invite you two for a dance ball that's being held for charity, tomorrow night. I know how busy you are but.. Your presence would mean a lot to some orphans" Clark said.

"I would have loved to, Clark. But.. I have a meeting tomorrow, and it would be long and the venue is quite far" Steve said.

"I can go.. On your behalf.. If its okay.. I mean" Natasha offered.

"Of course you can, Nat. But.. Alone? " Steve raised his brows.

"I could.. Take her.. With me" Clark said.

Steve gave him a look that Natasha couldn't decide, if it was offended, challenging or suspicious.

"Steve, we've known each other for quite some time.. I think you can trust me enough.. She isn't a child" Clark said.

"I'll take Maria, of course " Natasha said, "I really wanna go. Its for a good cause, Steve. Please"

Steve sighed and then nodded, "She'll go with Maria and meet you at the venue" he finally said.

"Thank you" Clark said, getting up, "See you tomorrow "

Natasha smiled at him and Barry as they walked out.

Steve and Natasha walked back to the hotel, holding hands.

"I am trying to understand the relationship between you two. " she said.

"We were friends, good friends, until he turned bitter. I was a kid, I didn't take his jealousy lightly. We grew from being friends to competitors. He annoys the shit out of me. But he is a good person. On the whole, I mean. There is a lot of envy between us. He envies me, for what I always win and I.. He had parents, healthy parents who looked after him. Friends, cousins, nothing of the sort I ever experienced" Steve explained.

"I understand. I have envied people too. But.. I guess we all get our share of happiness and sorrow. You get what he wants when he had what you want. When both of you can just be happy for what you have. No one gets everything" she said.

"I have.. Gotten past that.. But he.. I am really just doing what I love... Its my passion.. My work makes me happy and its just.. He just works too hard to get things before me and.. " Steve was at lost of words and Natasha understood.

"Just, be careful around him" Steve said, stopping and caressing her cheek, "he is a bit.. Crazy.. Not bad but.. Just be careful "

"Of course" she replied.

They walked back and returned to their separate rooms in the grand suite. Even after all the cuddling and sweetness. Natasha felt more comfortable having her own space.
And she was grateful, Steve agreed to everything.

I am so sorry for the delay but I have had some issues along with some writer's blog.
Do give your reviews

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