Chapter 25 - War

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About five minutes later Bianca pulled up with her sister (Danni)and her other sister (Nicole).
This will probably be the only chapter they are mentioned.
Bianca's POV.
Hearing the call I got I was happy as every. But this meant war. Alexis Bestfriend , me and my sisters all got in Alexis car. So here's the plan. I laid the weapons in the back seat. Grace was sleep so I was grateful she didn't see any of this. "Nicole you'll stay here with Alexis and the baby I'll call you when you can bring Alexis in". I said. Thing was the plan didn't go as planned. It was going to be more trouble.
So me ,danni and Alexis Bestfriend walked in Joshua office. Joshua was tied up. But Jayda wasn't here. I texted Nicole to leave! Jayda could have been waiting on us to get out the car so she can get Alexis. Just keep driving she's got probably going to follow you.
We untied Joshua.. he looked like he was about the faint. I can tell by the mark on the side of his eye he got hit with a bat... so we got him to my car. So danni ... drove off. Alexis Bestfriend made sure to contact Alexis. I was patching the mark on the side of Joshua face up. "Where's my baby"? He asked. "They're both safe". I told him.. "I wanna see them". He said. He tried not to get loud. He tried not to get angry.
But we all knew he was... I wanted to put an end to this as much as he did. Alexis Bestfriend (Charlotte) got a message saying where they were. They also seen that Jayda got locked up... some witnesses saw what happen I guess. That doesn't mean she isn't finished tho. So we were just out of Las Vegas.. So in Bianca car it was Bianca , Charlotte , me , Joshua and our baby... and Bianca sisters drove home.
"What happen to your face"? I asked him. "Baseball bat". Bianca said. My heart dropped all of this pain just for me like why? He grabbed grace and started playing around with her. Grace then touched the side of his face where he got hit. That broke my heart I wanted End Game". Btw their baby is 1 it's mid March 🙃

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