Chapter 23

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Alison asked "You did all this?" Emily smirked, before replying "Yep!" Alison looked in amazement around the room, now decorated with baby gear. There was: baby blue wallpaper, teddies piled up in the corner, a pink crib, a pram, a blanket, dummies, diapers and all other baby things. She was well prepared. Alison slid her finger across the crib, taking in all of it.

Alison breathed out "This is amazing."  Emily stood in the doorway, watching her beautiful girlfriend take in all of the excitement. Alison turned to Emily, looking her straight in the eyes. Emily gulped, a straight face reforming on her face. Alison said "This is great for the baby." Emily informed "For our baby." Alison's smile grew on her face. She ran into Emily's arms that had spread open, ready to catch her.

Alison asked "Are you really ready for this?" Emily replied "I don't think I'll ever be ready for it but what makes it better is we stick together. There will be hard times but there will also be good times. We will create memories together to share and look back on when we are old. I may not be a good parent but all I can do is try. That's all we can do." Alison's smile grew, tears streamed down her face at the heart felt speech but Emily wasn't done. She continued "I cannot wait to have our baby with you. There's no one else I could imagine going through this with, ever!" Alison pulled away from the hug and crashed her lips onto Emily's. Emily reciprocated. Alison bit down on Emily's bottom lip, earning a small moan from Emily. Alison said "I love you." Emily replied "I love you, too!"

They connected there lips together, again. Alison stuck her tongue in Emily's mouth, exploring the insides of her mouth. Emily pulled away and informed "You were sad, mad, annoyed, happy and now horny." Alison chuckled "Shut up and kiss me." She gripped the back of Emily's neck, pulling Emily into her. Emily gripped Alison's thighs as it got more heated by the second. They found there way into there bedroom, still making out, before closing the door. I guess there going to have a good night?

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