Chapter 24

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Alison woke up to her ringtone playing, her phone vibrating violently on the stand. She glanced over at Emily but she was in a deep slumber. She took the phone, swiftly off the stand; not looking at the caller ID she answered "Hello?" A monotone voice spoke "You have a call from inmate Kenneth Dilaurentis, press 1 to accept this call." Alison hesitated but pressed 1. Alison questioned "What do you want?" Kenneth spoke "I am getting out soon. I am going to escape and when I do I'm coming for you and Emily. However, if you drop the rape allegations I will leave you alone." Alison shook her head as she left the room and asked "What do you mean?" Her father snapped "I mean drop the charges! Say you lied because you were annoyed at me. I am your father, Alison. You don't put your father in prison if you loved him."

Alison shouted "How can you call yourself that? You are not my father! You'll never be my father. To me I don't have a father! How can you talk about loving someone? If you loved me you wouldn't of abused me physically, sexually and mentally! You don't love me and the feeling is mutual. I am not dropping the charges! You raped me! You beat me! You're about to get what you deserve!" Alison took a deep breath. Kenneth demanded "You listen to me..." He was interrupted by Alison "No you listen to me! Don't call me, again! I am going to be letting the police know you called me. That's more evidence. Oh, and guess what?" Kenneth simple replied "What?" Alison spat "I am pregnant. I am having a baby with Emily and guess what? You are never going to see this beautiful baby growing inside of me." Kenneth cackled, before replying "It'll have a worse childhood than you did."

Alison asked "How can anything be worse than what you did?" Kenneth replied "Being bullied for having lesbians for mothers, well if that's what it's going to call you. Oh, I don't want to see it anyway. Remember I ain't your father, so it has nothing to do with me! I hope it dies!" Alison demanded "Leave me alone, now. You're sick, you know that?" Alison hung the phone up. Anger was bubbling inside of her. She walked down the stairs, phone in her hand.

Alison unlocked the front door and threw the phone at the ground, smashing it. She looked at her reflection in the broken glass. A single tear fell down her cheek. She muttered "Stupid hormones!" In the living room, she took a seat on the sofa, fiddling with her hands. She was so deep in thought, thinking about what her dad had said. What about if the baby is bullied? Will I be a good mother? Can I do this? Thoughts spun around Alison's head. A voice asked "Alison, was that your father?" Alison looked up and said "Don't call him that, please." Emily looked around and nodded.

Alison started to feel nauseous and sprinted to the toilet. Emily followed her there. Alison threw up in the toilet; a hand rubbed her back, smoothly. Emily asked "Are you OK?" Alison nodded. Emily questioned "Do you want to talk about it?" Alison muttered "No." Emily nodded her head. Alison said "Sorry."

Emily reassured "It's OK, Ali. I know that being pregnant comes with some crazy erratic mood swings. I also know that your da- I mean Kenneth said something to upset you. So it's fine." Alison informed "I told him about the baby." Emily replied "I heard the whole thing. What did he say?" Alison gulped down and repeated what her father said "That he hopes it dies and if it doesn't then it's going to get bullied for having lesbians as mother's. He also said that it would have a worse childhood than I did." Another tear rolled down Alison's cheeks as she remembered the event that had just happened a few minutes ago.

Emily reassured "This baby will have the best childhood ever. It will not be bullied because of us, at all. Most of all, nothing is going to happen to the baby or you. Your dad is a-" She didn't say anything she just growled. Alison said "Don't get angry, Em." Alison stared at Emily but Emily was just looking around the room, biting her lip and breathing heavily. Alison questioned "Did you hear everything?" Emily glanced at Alison and nodded her head. Alison stood up from the toilet, she stood in front of Emily.

Emily had her hand running through her hair, in frustration. Alison cupped her cheeks, forcing her to look at her. Emily said "I am sorry." Alison replied "It's OK to be angry, baby." Emily smiled a little. Alison asked "Can I have a good morning kiss?" Emily said "You don't have to ask for that." Alison smirked at her. Emily leant in and kissed Alison's lips, so delicately.

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