Chapter 27

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Time after Baby's born...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" A crying baby screamed from the room next to Emily and Alison's. Alison groaned, slamming her hand onto her forehead. Emily muttered, half asleep "I'll go do the feed." Alison accepted the offer by lying back down and shutting her eye's. Emily quickly made her way to the baby's room. The baby carried on screaming; Emily soothed "Shhhh, Grace it's ok." The baby didn't stop crying though. Emily scooped Grace up and carried her downstairs to feed her.

After the feed Grace still didn't stop screaming. Emily questioned "Grace, what's wrong?" Obviously, she got no reply, except for screaming. Emily ran a hand through her hair, frustrated; she took Grace into the sound proof room and placed her in the crib. Grace screamed on and on for hours. Emily just watched her, until she fell asleep at 7 in the morning.

Emily mumbled "Thank god!"

Emily left the sound insulated room, leaving to go downstairs. She got downstairs and made herself a cup of coffee to drink whilst taking a headache tablet. She gulped down the tablet to try to prevent the excruciating headache to get worse.  Her hand rubbed her temple, trying to soothe her head. A masculine voice asked "Baby keeping you up?" Emily turned around to see Kenneth, with a knife in his hand. Emily asked "How did you get out?" Kenneth laughed, smugly before replying "I escaped. I know a lot of cops. A help from a few of them and here I am." Emily spat, through gritted teeth "Get out of here, now!" Kenneth questioned "Alison home? I'd like to see her." Emily clenched her fists and yelled "You go near her or our child I will kill you."

A voice came from the top of the stairs "Em, is somebody here?" It was Alison. Emily looked at Kenneth, before begging "Ali, stay upstairs please and make sure Grace is OK, please. Go to the room she is in and lock it. Don't open it for anyone." Alison questioned, panic clearly shown in her voice "Emily, who is in the house?" Emily looked back at Kenneth, he stared back at her before sprinting out of the kitchen and towards the stairs. Emily sprinted after him, as quick as she could.

Alison looked down the stairs when she heard footsteps running and saw her father. She screamed "Why are you here?" Just as Kenneth was about to place his foot on the fourth step, Emily came close behind him and dragged him down the stairs. Alison glanced at the shiny thing in Kenneth's hand, she realized it was a knife and she shouted "Em, stop he has a knife!" Emily didn't stop. Kenneth and Emily both started struggling, trying to get the knife and keep it. Kenneth held the knife above his head and Emily was trying to reach for it whilst pinning him down.

In one swift movement, Kenneth swung the knife into Emily's thigh, earning a painful scream off Emily. Alison screamed out for them to stop fighting but it was no use. She didn't know what to do. How to help Emily? Kenneth stopped moving when Emily stopped struggling. She was on the floor, blood pouring from her leg, shouting in pain. Kenneth stood up, laughing. As he was towering over Emily, a glass shattered over the back of his head, causing him to fall to the ground, unconscious. Alison was stood on the stairs as she watched him fall.

She was at Emily's side in no time, clutching onto her leg, putting pressure on it, trying to stop the bleeding. Emily whispered "Are you OK?" Alison smiled, whilst crying she nodded at Emily. Emily smiled weakly at her. Alison took put her phone and called Spencer, hoping she could send over Wren to take care of Emily. Spencer picked up on the 1st ring and said that Wren was on his way. After that she called the police.

Emily whispered "Go check on Grace." Alison replied "She is still asleep." Emily breathlessly, said "I love you." Her eye's were subconsciously closing every once in a second. Alison pleaded "Don't say it likes it is the last time. We are going to be able to say that for another 100 years. I love you too, baby." Emily smirked at Alison.

Wren came rushing through the door, along with Spencer. He rushed to Emily's side and started to treat the womb. However, Spencer comforted Alison because tears were leaking from her eye's. Spencer questioned "What happened?" Alison croaked "I don't know it started. Where he come from. Or how he got in here."

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