Chapter 5

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Emily and Alison took a shower, quickly before school. Emily asked "You ready?" Alison nodded her head, still not speaking to her. Emily asked "You really ain't going to speak to me are you?" Alison shook her head and Emily said "I am going to make you talk to me. Whether it'd be in lessons or not!" Alison shrugged her shoulders and walked to the door.

Emily stopped her from opening the door. Alison raised her eyebrows, questioning her. Emily whispered "I can't do this outside there." Emily kissed Alison very quickly. Emily smirked and said "That is all you get." Alison huffed and stomped outside, with a pout. Emily giggled at her and teased "You look cute like that." Alison smacked Emily's arm.

Emily rubbed the red mark that was forming. They both walked to the car in silence. Emily started the ignition and sped off down the road. Emily didn't say anything to Alison and neither did Alison to Emily. They got to school after a while. No body was around because of how early it was.

They got out the car and went to the classroom. Emily wrote her name on the whiteboard and the date. Alison asked "What are we doing today?" Emily turned around and replied "Now your talking? Well, we are going to be reading the Great Expectations by..." Alison interrupted her "Charles Dickens." Emily nodded and asked "You read the book?" Alison nodded and commented "My favorite book."

Emily turned to Alison and said "Me too." Alison smiled at Emily and Emily returned it. They were both just staring at each other. Someone walked in knocking them out of there trance. Emily turned and saw Noel Khan. Noel asked "Did I interrupt something?" Emily shook her head and replied "No, Mr Khan we were talking about the lesson today."

Noel nodded and went to sit down next to Alison. Alison shook her head and said "No, Noel. Go sit in your normal seat." Noel asked "Why can't I sit here?" Alison replied "Because I am sat here. I don't want a pest next to me!" Noel shook his head and asked "How am I a pest?" Alison answered "You only talk to girls to get into there pants." Noel gulped and muttered "You will pay for what you just said."

Emily asked "Was that a threat Mr Khan?" Noel replied "No. Misds Fields could I please sit here?" Emily looked at the seat he was pointing at, the one next to Alison. Alison shouted "Noel, no." Emily replied "Noel, go and take your normal seat please." Noel shook his head and muttered "Bull shit." Emily shouted "Don't use that language in this classroom!"

Noel put his hands up and replied "Sorry." Alison started laughing at Noel. Noel hissed "Shut it." Alison replied "You! Dip shit!" Emily looked at Alison and raised her eyebrows. Emily warned "No swearing." Alison nodded her head and took a book out her bag. Noel asked "Why do I get shouted at and she doesn't? Do you have favoritism?" Emily turned around and asked "Are you questioning me?"

Noel said "Well, yeah. Either your sexist or you have favorites." Emily shouted "Mr Khan, my patience is running thin with you. Carry on and you can go and say hi to Principal Hackett!" Noel gulped and went bright red. Emily looked at Alison and Alison was looking at her.

Alison could see the anger in Emily's eyes so she mouthed 'breathe'. Emily turned around and went on the computer. Couple minutes later, other students arrived. Alison's friends sat next to her like usual. Alison asked "Caleb, Toby do you want to sit next to us?" They both looked at each other and nodded. Emily watched the boys move to the other table. Toby sat next to Spencer and Caleb next to Hanna.

Emily confirmed "Right. So class today we are going to read the first chapter of the Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. After we read the chapter, you are going to complete a quiz. Memorise some of the things in the book." Some people moaned and some people were happy.

Emily handed out the books and as she went past Alison she overheard a conversation. Spencer said "Ali, you need to look for a boyfriend." Alison replied "Don't need to. I'm waiting for someone special." Emily smirked to herself as she walked away. They was silently reading the chapter. Emily looked around and saw Noel on his phone.

Emily stood up and walked over to Noel. Emily opened her hand and said "Phone." Noel looked up and moaned "God sake." Emily said "Don't god sake me. If you didn't have your phone out then you wouldn't have it taken off you." Noel replied "So what! This book is boring." Emily said "For that comment, you will pick your phone up at the end of the day!" Noel groaned but Emily walked back to her desk.

Everybody had read the chapter. Emily stood up and asked "Finished?" All of the students nodded there heads. Emily asked "Can one person off each table bring the books to the front?" One person off each table brought the books. Noel brung his. Noel walked past Emily's desk and went to take his phone. Emily said "Don't even think about it, Mr Khan."

Noel huffed and sat back down. All of the books were at the front now. Emily handed out the quizzes to each student. Emily said "You have 10 minutes to complete this." The students nodded there heads and then started. Emily sat at the front watching the students.

Emily saw that Alison had her phone out, then her phone buzzed. Emily took her phone out and she had one new message off Alison. Noel put his hand up waiting patiently. Emily asked "What is it Mr Khan?" Noel replied "Alison is on her phone." Everybody turned to Alison. Alison said "I was simply checking the time. Don't be a snitch, you little bitch."

Noel replied "Me a snitch. You run off and tell someone everytime your parents hurt you. Do you remember Alison when you told me that they abuse you?" Alison had teary eye's. Emily shouted "That is enough!" Alison walked up to Noel and smacked him up the face. Noel stood up and shouted "You bitch."

Noel pushed Alison into the wall. Alison punched Noel in the chest. Alison's friends grabbed her and Toby punched Noel in the face. Caleb shouted "You don't hit a girl!" Emily stood between them and shouted "Noel, get out! Go to the Principals office." Noel shook his head and said "Fuck off." Emily shouted in his face "Don't you dare swear in my classroom or at me! Get out now!" Noel walked out the classroom.

Emily turned to Alison, who was crying into Spencer's chest. Toby said "I am sorry for hitting him but I can't stand people like him." Emily nodded her head understanding the situation and asked "Can you guys sit down and leave Alison here for a minute?" They nodded. They sat down but Alison wouldn't let go of Spencer.

Spencer whispered "I will be back in a minute." Alison nodded and let go of Spencer. Spencer sat down and Emily said "Class, go to break now." They all smiled happily and left the classroom. Alison's mates stayed but Emily asked "Guys, can I speak to Alison for a minute?" They nodded and left.

Alison sat on the floor, hugging her knees. Emily sat down next to her. Alison layed on Emily's shoulder. Emily said "I am sorry about what just happened. Noel is a jerk and is lucky I didn't shoot him for touching you. I would of killed him if Toby didn't punch him." Alison giggled and replied "It wasn't your fault. He is a jerk. I thought I could tell him anything because we used to be best friends until he asked me out. I said no. He didn't like it but I didn't care."

Emily nodded her head and put her arm around Alison, pulling her closer. Alison said "I am glad that I have you now." Emily replied "Me too."

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