Chapter 20

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"Are we ever going to talk?" Alison questioned Emily. Instead of answering Emily carried on moving the new sofa into the living room. A deep sigh came from Alison. Emily placed the sofa in the middle of the room, before looking around but no where near Alison. "Why won't you answer me?" Alison asked. Emily carried on bringing the furniture into the living room. Alison informed "I am going out." Emily asked "Where?" Alison sarcastically replied "Oh now  she has a voice." Emily rolled her eye's. Alison walked into the hallway, grabbing her jacket and shoes. She heard footsteps behind her, then a voice she loved to hear "Alison, where are you going?"

Alison ignored her, like Emily did a minute ago and opened the front door. Emily informed "If your leaving me, I understand just make sure you do well in life. I will be happy for you." Alison turned around and shouted "Why is it always about me leaving? Why won't you get it into your head that I ain't going nowhere. Not whilst your still here. I love you to much to let what we have go." Emily stood there, shocked, it felt so surreal to her.

Alison looked at her expectantly waiting for an answer. Emily clenched her jaw, no more tears she chanted in her head; she choked out "I love you too but I don't deserve you." Alison questioned "Why do you always think that?" Emily thought for a moment before speaking "I don't deserve you because you are meant to go to college but I'm stopping you. You are meant to find a boy and fall in love with him. You are meant to be out there with your friends but yet your here with me. You are an absolutely stunning girl, intelligent, a great personality, a big arse, a beautiful personality and absolutely flawless looks."

Alison immediately replied "I don't want to go to college. I don't want to fall in love with a boy because I've already fell deep enough for a girl. That girl is breathtaking, gorgeous, talented in more than one way, and has an absolutely amazing personality. I never feel like this about anyone else the way I do about her. Never! I love you, Emily. You and only you! So don't you dare tell me who I have to fall in love with, or if I go out with my friends or not, or if I want to go to college or not!" Emily said "Just go where ever you were going."

Emily walked into the kitchen, waiting for Alison to leave. When Emily heard the front door close she gripped her chest as the tears spewed down her face. Her sobs echoing through the whole house. A hand landed on Emily's shoulder turning her around. Alison stood in front of Emily, tears rolling down her cheeks. Emily looked into Alison's eye's for a second before trying to turn away but Alison clutched her arm. Emily choked "Please, don't." Alison shook her head, before replying "I am sorry." Emily shouted "Your sorry? I am meant to be the one begging you to stay. It is my messed up head causing us to become like this. It is me. It's always-" She was cut off by Alison's lips touching her own, tasting the salty tears that were still rolling down their faces.

Alison pulled apart, foreheads still touching one another's and said "Don't ever blame yourself for this again. It is both of us. We are both at fault but what makes it better is we stick together and not drift apart. We fight to be together. I love you." Emily replied "I love you too." Alison blurted out "Em, I'm pregnant." Emily's eyes widen and she steps back...

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