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"Min yoongi!Min Yoongi Min yoongi!" Yoongi heard the chants get louder so he whined,covered his ears and closed his eyes tightly telling them to go away.Tear drops would fall down every few minutes that leads to his face being all puffy and red,his lips would also quiver when he could still hear the chants somewhere near him."Yoongi 'on't like meanie monsters..Bad monsters won't catch Yoongi " ."Meanie monsters go awayy" he repeated "When is Daddy coming to save Yoongi from meanie monsters?"" the boy pouted.Right now the boy was hiding somewhere between some shops that was dark and no one could really see him (alley-ish i guess)."Yoongi just want to 'ave fun" his lips quivered again and tears were forming in his eyes."Is daddy and others not finding Yoongi?" he asked himself "Did Daddy leave Yoongi?" the boy started sobbing "Daddy leave Yoongi alone bwecawse Yoonie get lowst and Yoonie bad boy" the boy fell deeper into littlespace." 'addy,  winnie, 'aehyung, 'innie, namnam and seokie 'on't wike Yoonie anymowe" the boy rubbed his eyes agressively using his sleeves. "but no Yoonie have to stay stwong..Yoonie awone now so Yoonie become big boy and be bwave so 'addy,winnie, 'aehyung, 'innie,namnam and seokie going to wove Yoonie again"the boy was having a crisis between being big and being in a 2 year old toddler headspace.So he went out of the similar type like alleyway and was on a quest to find his caregivers after basically bawling his eyes out for barely an hour.   

"Yoonie big boy" "Yoonie bwave" the boy kept repeating as he walked out to the open area where everybody could see him.But after few minutes of wondering around Yoongi has never went so pale so fast.He saw the 'meanies' who were chasing him and wanted to catch him."Meanie monstwer" he gasped and widen his eyes.He turned back around from where he walked from and speed walked trying not to gain attention by anyone."dumbo monsters will never catch Yoonie becawse yoonie too smawrt" the boy giggled.

Suddenly the little felt a pair of arms hugging him from behind,"Nooo you will never catch yoonie dumbo monstwer" he tried wiggling his way out from the grip but he could't as he got lifted from the ground and was held very tightly. "It's just me kitty" the familiar deep voice said and Yoongi would recognise that voice anywhere, " 'aehyung!" the boy gasped and looked up to Taehyung to see the younger shedding a tear. "damn this boy walks fast" the sunshine rapper said as he panted beside Taehyung. "Seokie!" Yoongi gasped again while smiling widely. "yah what are you smiling at princess?, You've been a bad boy by running away and getting lost...Daddy and the others had been searching from you for almost 3 hours!" Jungkook came up behind Taehyung with Jimin so Yoongi couldn't see his face but c'mon obviously he knows which voice belongs to who,they've been together for almost 7 years that they can recognise each other from their breaths." daddy!" the boy wiggled more in Taehyung's arms and sucessfully got out so he immediately went to hug Jungkook. "daddy! meanie monstwers twied to catch Yoonie!-" Jungkook was about to reply "But they couldn't catch Yoonie becawse Yoonie to smawrt and they dumbo" Yoongi giggled and made the 6 boys coo.They were relieved Yoongi was okay.

"Now we found Yoongi,we can settle this at home...Bang PD just called me and he said we should get out of this place as it's about to be packed with paparazzis" Namjoon sighed from relief but also massaged his temples." 'ome?" Yoongi tilted his head and his smile turned into a frown."yes bubba,we have to go home or not more meanie monsters will come and catch you"Namjoon bowed down to be eye level with Yoongi and smiled showing his dimple."but Yoonie 'on't wanna go 'ome..Yoonie wanna play at Dwisneyland!" the little crossed his arms and pouted. "I know cupcake but it's for our safety,we're alone here with no one to helps us if they swarm us.." Jimin said next and tried comforting the boy by patting his head. "nooOoOOOOooO Yoonie 'don't wanTTtT" Yoongi was really close to having a tantrum until "Min Yoongi you already caused so much trouble and chaos do you really think you're not going to get punished from that??" jungkook said in a stern voice and looked down at Yoongi who had lowered his head and was playing with his Jimin's arm sleeves while tears were falling down.

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