Twenty Two

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MinJoon !!

"Papa! can 'iminie go suwpwise daddy at 'tudio?!" the toddler like boy skipped into Jin's room to see the older boringly laying on his bed playing with his phone."what?" he looked up from his phone to coo at the boy who was wearing a puppy onesie that was way too big for him."'iminie want go surpwise daddy at his 'tudio!" he jumped on Jin's stomach that made him groan from pain." i don't think we can angel..Daddy is probably working there,we don't want to bother him now" the older felt bad when Jimin's bubbly mood and smile turned into a sad one."oh" he mumbled quietly.

On second thought,Namjoon was away for far too long now and it wouldn't hurt to pay him a visit and lighten up his day.Jin would do anything for his precious angel if it would avoid him from being sad."how about we go visit daddy for lunch?then we go home so daddy can work again"Jin cupped the boys chubby cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss on the forehead."we go for 'unch!?" Jimin started jumping up and down on Jin's stomach with his smile plastered on his face again."we will if you would stop jumping on me" the older giggled."sowy"


"papa! yoonie and 'iminie want help cooking 'unch for daddy!"the two boys walked in the kitchen hand in hand happily."Yoonie can cook 'unch! Yoonie are cehf"(that's how he's pronouncing it) the said boy clapped his hands excitedly and walked towards the knives."what do you think you're doing kitty?" Jin quickly took the knives stand away,"Yoonie need knife to cook! how does yoonie be cehf if yoonie no have knife!" he scrunched up his nose and crossed his arms.'this boy really thinks i'm going to let him cook' Jin internally said which made him smile and shake his head."okay how about Chef Yoongi and Chef Jiminie help me with the mooooost important part!" Jin exclaimed and made the two littles excited."you guys get to pack it all up in this cute basket"he took out a brown baskets that you usually bring for picnics."okay!" they said synchronizing.


"what are my favorite boys doing?!" Taehyung suddenly popped out from the entrance of the kitchen.Taehyung nearly made Jin have only 4 and a half fingers"Yah! don't scare me like that i was literally about to cut my finger off!" Jin scolded and thanked the god he still has 5 full fingers."sorry hyung" Tae laughed and joined the littles who were sitting on the dining table playing cook with some of the ingredients Jin gave them to play.He even gave them a small egg pan to pretend cook. 

"taetae look! iminie make Kimbap!" Jimin proudly showed of his creation that consists of a huge amount of rice and mixed vegetables wrapped with Seaweed.It basically looks like a burrito instead of a Kimbap.Taehyung laughed at himself at that thought,"that must be really yummy fairy" Taehyung planted a kiss on the crown of his head and let him continue 'cooking' so he went to his next favorite boy who seemed very concentrated on making his dish."and what is Chef yoongi cooking today huh?" Taehyung attacked him in kisses and immendiately broke the boy's concentration.

"yoonie make daddy's favolet food!" he happily exclaimed "but which one?" tae asked confusingly "ejackly!"the little sighed and made the two caregivers laugh in their place."goodluck on your dish little fairies,taetae is going out now" the boy gave them a kiss again before he informed Jin where he was going and left."guess Yoongi's following too,Tae must've forgot Jungkook made him look after Yoongi while he was at the studio" Jin mumbled to himself as he stirred the Beef Jigae he was cooking.


After they packed the food and Jin had to convince the two littles why there wouldn't be space if they put toys in the basket to bring.They settled in the car and were off to their send home,the studio/company building."you two better not run off anywhere we don't want you to encounter with any of the staffs now" Jin repeated for the tenth time and last time before they get off."we pwomise papa/Jinnie!" they said synchronized again.

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