Twenty Eight

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"Miss Lee will be sentenced for 15 years of prison for attempted murder and also kidnapping, case closed" The sound of the Judge's wooden hammer echoed throughout the Trial Room.The 6 boys smiled at each other and thanked everyone who tried to make Maya pay for what she had done."Let's go! Yoongi hyung must be waiting for us, he'll probably get sad if we came later than usual." Taehyung blurted to cheer up the mood more. 

It has already been 4 months after the incident had happened.The boys flew back to Korea after everything in New York got settled down.Yoongi got hospitalized right after he was shot but until this day, he hasn't woken up from his sleep.The doctors say it's because how traumatic it had been for him. Nobody knew how Yoongi was fighting with himself everyday trying to wake up and be with his 6 best friends again.

"Yoongi hyung! we're here and we have really good news! She's getting imprisoned for 15 years hyung! You will never see her again so please wake up, all of us miss your dumb jokes and remarks.Everyone misses you" The maknae sat down beside the rapper who was hooked up to all sorts of machines. "Army misses you very much you know? Do you have any clue how much presents they're giving you? the gifts already took 2 whole hospital rooms just for you so you better wake up to look at what Army gave you, please? jungkook practically begged.

"hi hyung it's namjoon again! I really miss you, we all do but i have good news aside from the prosecution obviously,hyung you would never believe this but our latest album got nominated for a Grammy! can  you believe it? BTS nominated for a freaking Grammy Award. When both of us were daydreaming in our small studio back then, we never even thought about getting nominated or even invited to the Grammy's yet here we are. We really did it hyung so please wake up so we can experience it all together like we promised." Namjoon smiled and patted Yoongi's head. "And if you don't wake up, i'm afraid we'll have to leave you for a week or two since we'll need to head back to LA in 2 days,It's going to be real hard is you're not with us."Jin sighed.

"Boys im afraid you all should be heading to the studio for the meeting." Manager Seijin walked into the room and gave them a weak smile. "We have to go now hyung, we'll come see you again tomorrow okay?I love you" Taehyung said before giving Yoongi a small peck on his forehead.

Yoongi's POV

'I miss you guys so much, i really am trying to wake up' 'i need to wake up before they go for the Grammys' 'please?' 'don't leave me, no' 'no,no,no Wake up! Snap out of it yoongi ah!"

back to the boys

They all took turns giving Yoongi's a peck on his forehead, Hobi was the last until "Guys!" all 5 of them turned their head and looked at Yoongi. The rapper had tears slowly flowing out from his closed eyes. "Hyung don't cry please" Jimin hurriedly went next to him and wiped away the tears with his sleeves. "You know we don't like it when you cry" Hobi said sadly. The 6 boys were silently crying along and tried to calm theirselves down. These past few months had been a roller coaster for them. They were all honestly mentally and physically tired but they all ignored it to give Yoongi of whats right.

"t-then w-why are you a-all crying?You know i-i dont like it when you guys c-cry" All of their heads shot up hearing the familiar groan."Hyung!" All of them shouted and practically threw themselves onto Yoongi. "i-i miss-sed you guys so s-so much" his voice sounded so harsh and groaky. "Yoongi-ah have some water" Jin held the bottle and straw and the three maknaes helped yoongi sit up while he drank.

They were late, very very very late but who cares? They got their best friend and brother back. They're pretty sure thats not just any normal excuse.

Next Day

"PD-nim, i'm fine really! the doctors even said i am as healthy as anyone could ever be!" Yoongi tried to argue with his boss, he really wanted to follow the boys to LA for the Grammys it was a once in a lifetime opportunity he couldn't give up. "please, this was my dream too." Yoongi begged. "We wouldn't be Seven without Yoongi-ssi" Namjoon spoke up. They boys were standing beside Yoongi's Hospital bed as they begged their PD-nim and Manager.

"Boys, Yoongi can barely walk. He hasn't walked for months! He'll have to practice walking again and be sent to- " "We'll help him! It's just walking!" Jin had cut off their managers words. "How hard can it be to practice walking again?" Yoongi smirked. Both of their bosses sighed in disbelief of what they were slowly agreeing to. 

"This is bullshit, How can walking be so hard" Yoongi groaned in frustration as he grabbed Jungkook's shoulder and tried to slowly work up his legs to move forward."Your muscles just needs time to get used to walking again hyung. Don't worry, you'll be dancing like you used to in no time" taehyung smiled and held onto Yoongi's other arm. Yoongi just kept getting mad and cussed everytime his legs went out and made him fall on Jimin who was standing infront of his just in case his legs went jelly again.

"FOR FUCKS SAKE!" Yoongi shouted for the tenth time. "Hyung! stop cussing there's kids around here!" Jimin scolded."oh fuck off jimin" the rapper replied and got back up again to just fall another time."motherfucker!" he cussed again. The maknaes only sighed and gave a slight giggle,glad they had their hyung back. "Ah i missed hearing that" Hobi smiled and laughed along with Namjoon and Jin.

Their flight and trip to LA had been moved to two days before the Grammys since they need to help Yoongi get back on track before the big event. As much as they wanted to perform on the Grammys they were glad that they aren't since Yoongi would be so sad if he wouldn't get to dance along. So getting the Nomination and hopefully winning was the more than they asked for.

Days passed pretty quickly, and everyday Yoongi kept getting better at walking. they'll be back on track in no time. 


"We are here at the 63rd Annual Grammys in LA and we are joined by the one and only BTS!" one of the reporters happily said. "Hello! we are BTS!" the boys shouted and grinned widely at the camera, obviously happy being here. All of the interviews went pretty quickly. Most of it was the same old questions about who they were excited to meet and see perform or who they wanted to collaborate with.There were also questions about Yoongi's well being. Yoongi was often the center of attention since everybody knew about his incident. And the day he regained his consciousness the whole world practically flipped right side up again. Yoongi never liked that much attention but this time it was different, he saw how he could've lost everything if he hadn't  woke up and survived the gun shot.he was much more grateful.

"It is now the moment you all have been waiting for! The 63rd annual Grammy award goes to! B!T!S!" the presenters shouted into the microphone and the 7 boys looked at each other in shock. "we won.?" namjoon kept repeating to the members as they walked to the stage."we won!"Yoongi replied everytime namjoon looked at him.

They all cried during their speeches, they didn't intend to but when Yoongi bursted into tears whe he was talking, all of them did too. "Thank you,Thank you,Thank you! We love you all so much! Thank you for making these 7 ordinary south korean boy's dream come true" Namjoon spoke before they had a group hug on the stage. The stadium was so loud from cheers from Army chanting their names. It was really a historic day for them.

(wrote 270620~unedited)

A/N hi! so this chapter and the previous ones don't really include little yoongi i just had this idea since one of you had requested it. im not sure if you guys like it or not but enjoy? Tell me if you want more of stories like this or should i just stick with little yoongi? Comment down :))

ps: OH.MY.GOD we reached 111k reads and over 3k votes. HOW??? I love you all so much i hope you guys are looking forward for more updates in the future.

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