Twenty Three

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"hyungie please just this one time" Yoongi begged at Jin who was playing with his phone on the couch."Yoongi-ah just because i'm whipped for little you doesn't mean i'm going to let you do anything you want" Jin scoffed,then Yoongi started kicking in his seat and whine really childishly."Why is yoongi hyung acting little again?" another member suddenly came in the living room "what does he want now?" namjoon said as he stood beside hobi "he's planning on doing a part time job" Jimin laughed and lifted Yoongi up and sat him on his lap."why would you want a part time job hyung?you're practically really successful now" namjoon blurted trying hard not to laugh and upset the older."I wasn't finished hyung..he wants to pet sit as his job" Jimin laughed again which made Yoongi to whine louder.

"pet sit? of course it had to be something to make him look more adorable"hobi couldn't help but pinch his hyung's chubby cheeks."what's so wrong with pet sitting hyung?" hobi asked not wanting to see the boy so sad."well for a first,he'll be pet sitting in the dorm here and we already have Yeontan yapping everyday,and oh trust me you do not want more barks and meows coming from everywhere in the house" Jin explained and made the others feel guilty as he had a point."but hyungg!it's going to be so fun and cute people are literally paying me to cuddle their pets~" the rapper pouted again."i'm sorry yoongi-ah we just can't okay?our dorm is already chaotic with the maknae line..come back to me when you have your own house" the older jokingly said and headed to his room.

Next three weeks

Yoongi was rudely woken up from his nap on Jimin's comfy body when Jungkook abrupted from his room,face looking all surprised."yoongi hyung!did you actually buy a 3 million house?!" he shouted which made all of the members to burst into confusion "what?a 3 million house?!Yoongi hyung is it true?" tae asked the grumpy boy again and practically screamed directly in his ear."how did you even found out,i haven't told anyone yoongi grunted and moved around Jimin to find a more comfortable sleeping position.

"so it's true?you actually bought a house? I was just scrolling through my account and armys are tweeting about it" the maknae looked at the rapper in disbelief as every thought was coming to his head mostly about Yoongi not wanting to live with them anymore.Jin saw how sad the vocalist was and sighed heavily."you actually bought a house so you could pet sit didn't you ?" Jin chuckled which made the members confused.Namjoon and hobi started to laugh when the rapper remained silent."baby i know you're awake,i felt you breath hitch when Jin hyung said it"Jimin giggled and played with the boy's fluffy hair.

"cupcake did you actually bought a house so you could pet sit?" Jimin asked again,he smirked when he heard a small 'maybe' come from the boy."we genuinely have a toddler as a rapper" hobi chuckled and everybody joined."you just had to take my word seriously huh?" the eldest sighed."you guys are making him so flustered now look how red he is!" Tae pointed and made Yoongi to hide his face into Jimin's chest.Jimin hugged him tighther looking at how adorable yoongi was being.

"stop it i'm not cute" Yoongi got overwhelmed and jumped out of Jimin's hold."i didn't buy it so i can petsit,i bought it because i-i like it and that would be my um- escape place when i need alone time" Yoongi explained and the laughings died down but the members weren't too convinved by the tone the boy was using."okay fine we trust you" namjoon held up his hand showing that he surrender."you do?" yoongi perked up "we do?" jungkook tilted his head and caught on when he looked at namjoon and his 'i have an idea' face.

"yeah,we get that you want to move out because you're tired of us and I understand you're 26 now and you would want a house of your own without any annoying band mates,right hyung?" namjoon sighed deeply."hyung that's not true! yoongi hyung is it?" the 5 members thought Jungkook hadn't caught on but in reality he was only playing along.They saw how yoongi started to panic and fiddle with his fingers."what!? no! i'll never be tired of you guys! You're my best friends!" Yoongi immediately replied."oh kay then hyung" Jimin sighed deeply too and looked sad as he continued to 'watch' the TV.Everybody did the same and left Yoongi standing with guilt.

The boy bit his lip not wanting to sadden his members especially his daddy."fine,i did but the house so i could petsit and live with holly" Yoongi pouted and whined."please don't hate me" he whimpered and looked at his caregivers."sunshine! don't cry! we're sorry we were just joking!" Hoseok rushed to comfort the boy the second he saw how watery Yoongi's eyes were."bubba did you actually thought i would let you go that easy?" namjoon came up to him and cupped his cheeks then wiped away the tears slowly running down."I was just playing around bubba,i'm sorry" the leader continued and hugged the smaller boy"so you don't think Yoongi hate you?because Yoongi really doesn't!" the boy looked up at namjoon and shook his head." i know bub,since we started talking about this even" the leader laughed and hugged the boy tightly.

Once Yoongi calmed down and all of the members gathered around him.The boy looked at Jin,"so can i actually petsit?" he said and the 6 members burst into laughters."you're so precious!of course,infact you can just do it here" Jin couldn't help but attack the boy in kisses and still continued when the boy tried squirming away."but hyung,you said that-" namjoon couldn't finish his sentence when Jin gave him a death glare.Namjoon,hobi and the maknae line all looked at each other with unsure faces."he's going to regret it later,so just inform him that i tried stopping him" the leader sighed and shrugged as he walked away from the living room.

The next week!

"hyung we bought food for the animals" Tae and Jimin entered the house while dragging bags of cat and dog food."we have atleast 5 dogs and 3 cats to petsit today" hobi walked in holding all sorts of toys in his arms."and a bunny" Jungkook joined in the room after hiding all of his gaming things away and tried putting wired up high so it wouldn't get chewed on.The suddenly 'ding dong'.Everybody looked at the entrance and before Jungkook could even walk to the door Yoongi had beat him to it while shouting "i'll get it!" the members smiled and took a deep breath in."hello! this must be kosmos!" they heard Yoongi say and only heard their muffled conversation after.

Once the door shut closed,the 5 members waited with a bright smile on."guys meet kosmos! the corgi."Yoongi grinned widely as he held up the dog and showed to his members."hewwo hoomans" yoongi interpreted the dogs voice and waved the dog's paw up and down slowly."he's so adorable and small" Jimin cooed,"i know right!" the rapper replied happily "no i meant you" the pink haired boy smirked when he saw Yoongi's cheeks turn into a shade of red."ew stop flirting gays" Tae made a fake disgusted face,

"yoongi go bring the dog-" "kosmos" yoongi interupted "sorry,kosmos to the living room" Jin said.When Yoongi left the room they looked at each other "it's going to be worth it..right?" Hoseok said still holding onto some toys which made the small corgi to come running to him."kosmos no! come here!" Yoongi chased after him and picked it up the made it face him "you're so small that you can get through anything,i'm not letting you out of my sight pupper" Yoongi said and booped his nose with the dog's nose that made him get a lot of kisses/licks."eeww" the boy giggled and brought it back to the living room.

"it's worth it" Jungkook grinned,the other boys nodded happily.


why hello's been a this is not a finished chapter..let me know if you want the continuation of this!! love you! 

alsooo thanks for over 30k reads and 1k reads!! <33 

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