Twenty Four

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Sope! (requested)

"Guys! guess what Balenciaga invited me to their Grand Event in New York as one of their VIP'S , I'm so excited!" Hobi suddenly came bursting in the living room with his hand holding his phone and his other hand holding the cards for the said event.All 6 of them looked at Hoseok blankly at first but finally processed what he said after a few seconds. "Oh! Congrats Hobi hyung! you don't have to buy their products every week anymore just so you could be their top customer!" Jungkook grinned. "That's cool! I got invited to Chanel's Grand Event in Paris" Jimin blurted happily."And since we're on the topic who wants to be my plus one?" Jimin smiled to his loving members, "ME!" Taehyung stood up quickly and shouted causing Yoongi to awoke from his nap. "Yah! keep it down will you brat!" he groaned and covered his ears with Jungkook's hands as he was laying down on Jungkook's lap. "Now that Jimin has his partner who wants to be mine?" surprisingly the other remaining members didn't seem excited or eager."sorry hyung but i have to work on my new tracks for Mono" Namjoon said, "i would love to follow you to New York hyung, you know that i LOVE Balenciaga but i made plans with Yugyeom, Bambam and the 97 liners this whole week since we all are off." Jungkook looked at hobi sympathetically. "Jin hyung?" Hoseok looked at his oldest hyung and pouted. " As much as i want to look sophisticated and handsome in a tuxedo in New York, i'm afraid i can't tag along with you too, Manager-nim had told me to brush up my acting skills for my appearance on the new Kdrama, so i'll be attending Acting School this whole month.Sorry" Jin just shrugged.

"how about you take Yoongi hyung?" Taehyung smiled. "Is Yoongi hyung up for it though?" Hobi looked at his final chance. "hyunggg are you busy at all? yknow besides sleeping on people's thighs the whole day while they play with your hair?" Hobi caressed the boy's hair softly. "nooooo i want to stay with daddy!" Yoongi whined and pouted. Jungkook felt somehow proud that yoongi is so close with him in littlespace but he was also kind of worried as he actually had no time to spend time with Yoongi alone as he had made plans like he said earlier, i mean since Got7 knew about their little secret Jungkook doubted Yoongi would want to stay with them everytime he had to go out. Yoongi didn't want to follow Hobi so what are the odds of him wanting to stay with another group he barely knows in littlespace.

"As much as i want you to be with me princess, but i think you should maybe follow Hobi to New York" Jungkook smiled at him, yoongi seemed unsure so he just looked between the maknae and hobi. "But-" Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows and pouted more. "Come on sunshine, there's a lot of tasty candy sold in New York" Hoseok wiggled his eyebrows and smirked he knew exactly what to say and do to bribe baby yoongi. "tasty candy?" he mumbled. "Mmhmm and don't tell daddy but i'll let you eat as muuuchh as you want" the rapper laughed and whispered the last part softly making Jungkook suspicious as Yoongi's eyes immediately widen.

"okieee i fowwow Hobiii" Yoongi sat up and clapped while showing off his gummy smile and crescent eyes. "what did you tell him to bribe him hyung" Jimin and jungkook glared at him suspiciously. "Oh something" Hobi only smiled and stood up. "Oh well i should start packing! Come on sunshine i'll help you too!" 


"Okay hyung, this is yoongi's special blankets for each age regression he goes through. If he regresses to a toddler like a 4 to 6 year old give him the purple blanket with lolipops on it, when he regresses to a 1 or 2 year old you give him his kumamon blanket and ask him he wants his binky then if he regresses to a baby you give him his dino plushie and binky without even asking.Okay hyung?"Jungkook explained for the third time in the car which really annoyed Hobi. "Yes jungkook-ssi" he only agreed. "Okay never and i mean never leave him alone if he does regress into littlespace okay hyung? I packed his bottle along just in case he gets moody and restless it'll calm him down and put him in a 2 or 3 hour sleep. His little space clothes are in the blue suitcase and his big clothes are in-" "Jungkook! stop! calm down! i can handle it. You dont have to worry about a thing okay? I'll really take care of him i won't even let him out of my sight even in the hotel room. trust me." Hoseok cut Jungkook's babbling off. "yeah okay, sorry i'm just not used to not following yoongi along everywhere we go since we basically go everywhere as a team overseas." jungkook sighed. "I'll take good care of him jungkookie dont worry." Hoseok smiled. 

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