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 A/N I seriously don't know what even is this chapter but like yolo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"Wake up princess" Jungkook's voice echoed the room.Yoongi groaned through his pacifier not wanting to be disturbed this early morning."Princess come on it's a good day today!Namnam has a present for you" the maknae peeked under the covers where Yoongi was comfortably snuggled up with his unicorn plushie,Ariel. (that kid rlly loves the little mermaid if u still can't see the obvious)

Jungkook pulled away the blanket from him which leads to the boy whining.''i'm sorry princess but don't you want Namnam's present?" jungkook played with the boys hair helping him relax."nnoo Namnam pwesent can wait..Yoonie want sleep now.. 'addy go nyt nyt with Yoonie too"(night night)..Jungkook smiled at how adorable Yoongi was being."daddy is not sleepy anymore but if Yoongi is i guess i tell Namnam to give the present to Taetae and Winnie then." Jungkook playfully shrugged and headed to the door smirking.

Yoongi huffed as he heard footsteps walking away "fine fine Yoonie 'o " The little sat up and crossed his arms."That's my boy" Jungkook grinned as he made his way back to the bed."Come on then lazy butt" the maknae lifted the boy up and placed him on his hip not forgetting to give the boy his morning kisses making the boy giggle."Awiel" Yoongi pointed and made grabby hands to the same red headed plushie.When the boy got the plushie in his arms he instantly grinned widely and rested his head in the crook of Jungkook's neck. 

The two went out of the room to hear the morning cartoons on and the sound of eggs sizzling in the pan and the smell of bacon filling up the air in the living room (i'm hungry sorry)."Look who finally woke up?!"  a familiar loud voice walking near the two."Stop shouting hobi hyung it's too early to hear you screaming" Taehyung came out of his room looking freshed and smelling nice."Good Morning Kitty" Tae smiled at the boy and kissed the boy's cheek."nonin' where 'ehyung go?" the boy asked and tilted his head as he saw Taehyung dressed up so nicely."uh n-no where" Taehyung panicked a bit but was saved by hobi shouting again."Sunshine!Don't ignore me!Where's my morning kisses and hugs??!" Hobi said in his aegyo voice which took Yoongi's attention.

Yoongi made grabby hands to Hobi asking to be in his arms instead oh his daddy's.So the red headed boy happily took him from Jungkook's arms and gave him alot of kisses."no worry Seokie Yoonie never forget 'bout wou!" the boy giggled and hugged him close.Hobi only smiled and walked to the lounge.When they walked to the lounge all of the eyes were on Yoongi.Yoongi smiled and waved at the others happily."Someone's happy today"  

"Did you sleep well cupcake?'' the younger came up to Yoongi and gave him a kiss and made Yoongi giggle even more making his stomach hurt ."Whats wrong bubba?'' Namjoon smiled showing off his dimple."Yoonie 'omach hurt fwom laughing 'oo much" the little held the side of stomach but still had a smile on his face.The 5 members laughed at how happy Yoongi looked which made him look adorable."You guys are the worst he's already hurting so early in the morning'' Jin came out from the kitchen holding two plates of eggs and bacon.

"Yoonie are okay!'' the boy smiled while putting up thumbs up.''it's Yoonie IS okay prince" jin laughed and cooed "same thing Jinnie yoonie still smwart" the little crossed his arms and wiggled in Hobi's arms wanting to be put down."Okay okay prince calm down'' hobi slowly set him down as soon as his feet touch the ground he ran to Jin to see what he was cooking."ooh ooh what Jinnie cook?can yoonie help?yoonie want help!Yoonie can cook too!" the boy followed Jin walk back into the kitchen after setting down the plates he was holding."aw man sorry Yoongi but i already cooked everything we're having..But you can help the next time i cook okay?your cooking must be really delicious" Jin replied at the smaller boy who was following him every corner of the kitchen he went."Otay Yoongi make thiiiiissss much of fwood for erybowdy becawse it are delichus!" Yoongi opened his arms while exagerating about the amount of food he would cook making Jin to laugh and smile.''come on.. time to eat,my little Chef"

''otay but Jinnie?" Yoongi followed behind "yes flower?"..''what delichus mean?" the boy tilted his head and looked at Jin cutely.Jin only continued to laugh making his gut hurt.


(In the middle of Breakfast)

"Can Yoonie 'ave anova (another) pancake please?" Yoongi asked Jimin who was sitiing next to him.''Sure cupcake you can have 'anova' pancake" Jimin giggled as he grabbed another pancake and put it in the boys plate and poured syrup." 'ank wou!" the little grinned widely and gurgled as he drank orange juice in his kumamon sippy cup.Obviously the boy already forgot the whole reason he woke up in the first place.

"So Yoongi baby remember Namnam's present?"Namjoon spoke as he watched the smaller boy stab his pancake a few time as it wasn't sticking on the fork.As soon as Namjoon spoke the boy forgot all about the pancake and looked at Namjoon with eyes widen and a smile plastered on his face."What does Namnam buy for Yoonie?!" the boy blurted and gasped.''Did*" Jin mumbled earning a glare from the others "jeez i'm sorry i'm a grammar police"

''Anyway Namnam bought us tickets well not really...Namnam actually managed to rent Everland Theme Park just for you baby!" Namjoon smiled but got surprised when Jin choked on his OJ."rent?!You told me you bought tickets!?"Jin spoke a little too loud making Yoongi startle and get scared thinking he was mad at him."i'm not mad at you baby i'm just asking Namnam okay?" Jin noticed the boy who was now sitting on Jimin's lap hiding his face.

"Calm down hyung you made Yoongi scared besides I didn't rent it..our company did surprisingly..I guess they were planning to do the same" Namjoon shrugged."Oh why didn't you say earlier before Jin hyung shouted causing our baby boy to get scared from his shouting?"hobi said as he caressed Yoongi's hair. "mianae"

"but like they had rented it out at night which sounds sketchy but anything goes i guess" Namjoon told the others but all 6 of them totally forgetting what month it is.


"ZOMBIE MOTHERFUCKING RUN NAMJOON?!" Jin shouted as he ran with Yoongi while he was being chased by a zombie.Yoongi was now sobbing and calling for his daddy who was no where to be seen."I DIDN'T KNOW HYUNG I SWEAR!I KNEW IT WAS TOO EASY CONVINCING THEM TO RENT OUT THIS PLACE!"Namjoon shouted as he was basically carrying a screaming Hoseok in his arms.

"WHERE ARE THE MAKNAE LINE FFS THEY BETTER NOT BE ONE OF THE ZOMBIES" Jin shouted again and as soon as he said that a scary looking zombie came up to Yoongi pulling him away from Jin making the boy scream and cry out more."Don't touch my fucking son" Jin slapped the hand away and ran away with yoongi.

And just like Jin said he was right he saw Jungkook and Taehyung using masks and was scaring Hoseok who was abandoned by Namjoon."You genuinely have idiots for caregivers Yoongi-ah" Jin sighed as he hugged the boy  close.Thankfully the zombies didn't dare to scare them as they saw Yoongi crying and maybe because Jin was REALLY close to fighting one.

"Jinnie..Yoonie no like Namnam's swurpwise Yoonie want 'o home"The boy muffled onto Jin's now wet shirt."I know baby i know" Jin patted his head sighing as he saw Jungkook and Taehyung still scaring the living fuck out of Hoseok.The two were sat at a bench resting from the amount of running untill Jin heard a whine come from behind making him startle."you better not scare us or i swe-" Jin turned his head a bit "Jiminie?" Jin soften as he saw the small boy crying silently while curled up behind the bench.

" hyungie 'iminie scared" the boy mumbled as he made eye contact with the elder.

A/N why hello there.(͡ ͡° ͜ つ ͡͡°).it's been a while since i posted i hope you enjoy this 

                                                                 {Wrote 301018~Edited 311018}

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