Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Squid's POV

We all race back to our house.

"Maybe we can find a way to save Peggy!" Stampy says once we reach the house and go through the door.

"Wait!!" Ty reaches out to stop us.

"She wants us to forget her. There's no way to free her. We have to live life without her," Ty says as he starts to cry.

Sarah comes up to Ty and hugs him as he sobs on her shoulder.

"She.... she can't be gone...." I'm able to squeak out before I cry. Amy comes over to me and wraps me in a hug.

I escape from her embrace and notice her shoulder is wet.

"Sorry," I say as I put my head down.

Amy pats me on the back. "It's okay."

I smile through my tears.

"I guess without Peggy...." Ty starts.

"We'll have to live with-" Sarah continues.

"what's left of us," Lee finishes, trailing off on the last word.

I guess so.

Or group, narrowed down by one.

Well, we have to continue our lives wnd learn to fight, to live, and to love with what's left of us.

What's Left of Us Part One: Sequel to Transported (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now