Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Ty's POV

I dry my eyes from all my tears shed and I decide to take another walk.

I sigh as my dark brown hair flows in the breeze.

I keep walking. Five minutes later, I stop. I see something in the distance.

"What the-" I start to say.

I walk closer to the thing, my eyes grow wide.

"No. It can't be!" I happily say. I run towards our house. Our old house. When we were on our quest to battle the Endertwins!! It's all here! All of it.

I have a noise in my head telling me not to go into that house, but at the same time it's calling me.

My conscience tells me not to go in there. I wish I listened.


I walk over to the house and step through, the door has fallen over.

Everything. Everything is the same.

I walk all around the wooden house, or I should say, wooden mansion, considering how big it now is.

I let a small tear escape my eye and trickle down my bruised face.

The memories.

It's all flowing back.

Like the day she was taken. Taken from us. Taken from the world. From the team. From me. I sigh.

I finally find my old room.

My bed is made and my old computer is shut off. My green couch is carefully set by my glass coffee table.

My posters are now sprawled out on the floor, they must've gotten knocked off my wall by the wind. Oh, well.

I leave my room and walk over to Peggy's room. Yes, I said her name. Ever since she was taken, I had not said her name. Until now. I know I should forget.  No matter how hard I try to, I can't. I just can't.

I remember when Peggy was....possessed? In a coma? Whatever, I still I remember that, though.

I'm in the living room (we built it a little while ago) watching TV, when Squid comes through the door, smiling.

"You finally recovered!" I say as I run over to him.

He smiles and nods.

"What happened while you were passed out?" I curiously ask.

"Nothing. I was just in a dark void. But it wasn't like the time I was possessed. It was just a plain, old void," Squid explains. I nod.

"I can free her," he whispers.

"Free who?" I ask, looking at Squid as I frown.

"Peggy," he says, louder this time.

"But, Squid, remember you said to Lee that you couldn't?" I reminded him.

"Well, I can free people from dark voids, too, if you know what I mean," Squid explains.

My face brightens.

"Are you sure you'll be able to do it without hurting yourself?" I ask him assuringly.

He nods.

We all think that Peggy is being possessed, so it's worth a try.

I still remember that day so vividly, it scares me.

No, it haunts me.

I smile as I let another tear make its way down my face. Should I be happy or sad? I don't know anymore. See? I'm so confused about life, I don't even know how I should feel right now.

I start to walk out of the house, but j stop.

I shouldn't have stopped.

I slowly turn my head around, and there stands four bronze-eyed figures that used to be Amy, Endy, Creep and Peggy. I gasp.

I take out my diamond sword and fight. But it's one against four. You can probably see how that turns out.

I try to stab 'Peggy', but she's too quick for me. She takes out her bow and arrows. I jump out of the way. I sigh in relief.

Then I look down.

An arrow, it lies deep in my chest, blood dripping out of my fresh wound.

I scream in pain as I fall down to the floor. I start to whimper and I wince from every step anyone takes. I feel my eyes getting hot.

I start to see bronze.

No! I won't kill them!! I won't!!

"Goodbye, world," I say as I get one last glimpse of the beautiful world known as Minecraft.

Then nothing.

What's Left of Us Part One: Sequel to Transported (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now