Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Lee's POV

Why? Why did this all happen? Why did the team have to split? I saw everyone's eyes grow silver. I even felt mine grow hot.

Sometimes I wonder how? How? I question the past, the present, and the future.

The future. What will the future hold for Sarah and I? Part of me is so eager to know, I'll do anything.

Another part of me would rather die then grasp the answer.


"So, where are we going?" Sarah asks me as we walk through the Minecraftian Desert.

I shrug as my diamond boots suddenly look interesting. I hear a frustrated sigh. I groan.

"Sarah, it's okay. We'll find them. We'll get the team back together. It'll all be okay," I reassure her.

I feel like I'm wrong. Nothing feels okay anymore. Nothing feels fine.

"We need to build a new home. We should do it in the desert, so nobody will find us," I say as Sarah nods her head.

"Hey, you know what's weird? I had this feeling inside if me, like something was calling me to come to this desert. In fact, back at the old house, when we were fighting, I noticed everyone's eyes grow silver, I even felt my eyes grow, but it was like a warning," Sarah explains. I stare at her, my mouth gaping open.

"I had that same thought!" I exclaim. Sarah and I stare at each other for a while.

"So, do you think something was controlling us to split up?" Sarah asks.

"Well, I know that was our own decision, because I didn't feel anything controlling me, so you're probably right about it being a warning," I say. Sarah nods.

We continue walking, but I stop in my tracks. I extend my arm in front of Sarah so she stops, too.

"What?" Sarah asks, hope in her eyes.

"It's here," I simply say.

"What's here?!" Sarah excitedly asks.

"The old house," I whisper in awe.

Out in the distance is our old house, just sitting there, waiting to be visited upon.

"Let's go!!" I scream as Sarah and I race towards the house, stumbling occasionally.

I enter the house and I look around. My smile immediately wipes off my face. The house is a mess.

The living room looks horrible. The couch is tipped over, the television is smashed, so are the windows, and paintings have fallen onto the floor.

Pots, pans, and cleaning supplies scatter all over the tile floor in the kitchen, sponges lay in the sink, and the windows are smashed.

In the training room, the parkour track is destroyed, the punching bags lay ruined on the floor, and the chests that used to be full of weapons are broken, the weapons scattered in the floor.

The storage room is ruined, obviously blown up by TNT.

The crafting room is gone.

All the bedrooms are the same. Ruined. A mess. Horrible.

I would usually think that a storm or tornado hit, but something else catches my eye.

Blood. Pools of blood in every room. There's a note.

'What's left of us.'

"Hey, Sarah, what do you think this means?" I ask Sarah as I hand her the note.

She studies it for a while and her eyes grow wide.

"Well, this note was around pools of blood, and blood comes from living organisms. So, if I'm correct, the phrase, 'What's left of us,' must mean the wrath of an enemy, like whoever the victims were of this attack were feeling the wrath, or revenge, of the murderer..." Sarah trails off.

I take the note from her and study it myself, my eyes frantically moving across the bloody page.

"Who left this note?!" I ask her, shaking her shoulders.

She looks me dead in the eye, her own eyes filled with worry. She mumbles something.

"What?" I ask her.

"Darkness and Sadness," she says.

My eyes grow wide and I drop the note.

My paws claw into Sarah's shoulders, making her yelp.

But I can't move. I can't take my paws off her shoulders. I try to move, but I can't. I'm too shocked. That's when I realised the victims were the team. This house is a trap.

The possessed Peggy turned the whole house into a trap.

Darkness and Sadness made the house seem like it was 'calling' the team over.

Peggy killed her first victim, or victims, which was at least one member of the team.

They must've then became possessed too and killed the next victims. The next victims become possessed, they kill, and the cycles starts all over again.

There must be at least one member alright and alive. There has to be. I won't lose hope until I find them.

Good thing I can predict the future.

That doesn't mean my predicts are always correct, most of the time they are.

I just have to believe in my gut they're correct right now.

I know, I know, why didn't I predict this sooner? Well, my predictions come whenever they want to, I can't control it. They're almost like visions.

I quickly explain it all to Sarah, and she immediately understands.

"Well, what do we do now?" Sarah asks.

"We have to find any surviving team members! Maybe there's a way to stop all of this!!" I scream.

Sarah nods as we run back to main Minecraftia to look for any remaining team members.

What's Left of Us Part One: Sequel to Transported (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now