Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Sarah's POV

Lee and I finally reach main Minecraftia, we're panting from exhaustion because we had to carry our backpacks full of supplies.

"Come on.... we have to find.... Squid and Stampy!!" I tell Lee, still breathing heavily.

After we catch our breath, Lee and I run around main Minecraftia to find our.... Friends? Former friends? I don't know.

I hear people questioning our nervousness as we push past them, ignoring the open journals and notebooks for autographs.

We reach the back of an alley when we finally find them.

"Squid! Stampy!!" I yell as I run towards them, crashing into Stampy as I start to cry.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry," I repeat to them, all the while clenching my fists.

"Don't worry, Sarah, it's okay. We're sorry, too," Stampy says as he smiles warmly.

Squid pats my backs and chuckles.

"Long time, no see, Robo-Sarah. I've missed you," Squid greets me, smiling through the tears.

"Hey!" Lee says, shaking his head.

"We've missed you, too, Lee," Squid says as he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah! I need your cakes in the morning! I mean, yeah, Lee, I've missed you, too!" Stampy jokingly says as we all laugh.

Soon, our smiles are wiped off our faces.

"Okay, we need to find a way to get everyone back," Lee says.

"We can't, remember? There's no way!" Stampy says.

"Wait, what do you mean by 'everyone'?" Squid asks, making quotation makes with his hands when saying the last word.

Lee sighs and starts to explain everything.


"Oh, I see," Stampy says after Lee explains what has happened and his predictions.

"But, like Stampy said, we can't free them!" Squid says.

"But I think we can! You see, if-" I start, but I'm cut off by Squid falling to the ground.

I gasp as I run over to his side.

"Squid?! Are you okay?!" I ask him.

Squid weakly coughs and looks at me.

"You need to do something, quickly. You need to stop all this madness." Squid says as e tries to get up, but fails and once again falls to the ground.

I hear him whisper one last word before he loses consciousness.


I look up at Lee and Stampy.

"Guys, we have to go. They're coming!!" I scream as we run.

"Who's coming?!" Stampy yells as we continue to run.

I look behind me.

"Them," I say as I point to the possessed bodies of Peggy, Amy, Endy, Creep, Ty and now Squid.

We come to a dead end.

"A dead end! No!" Lee yells.

We back up against the wall, panicking.

'Peggy' leads the crew of possessed figures as they slowly approach us.

"Is this how it ends?" I turn to Lee.

Lee sighs and nods his head.

"It's been fun." Lee sighs again.

I nod my head.

I suddenly hear Stampy's ear-piercing scream.

I look over at Stampy and my eyes grow wide.

Stampy is on the ground, a diamond sword in his shoulder and blood leaking from the wound.

Suddenly, a possessed Stampy appears next to the possessed Amy.

"See ya later," I say to Lee.

Lee gives me an assuring nod.

Lee is shot with an arrow from 'Peggy'.

Lee sinks to the ground, holding the arrow in his heart.

I feel hot tears trickle down my face. Suddenly, I feel something slice through my chest and lungs. A sword. Lee's sword.

I, too, crumple to the ground as blood spews from my chest.

Then I start to remember an event similar like this. When I was killed by loads of mobs back in The Deadland.

I remember Peggy and Ty telling me how they ran away from the mobs. And how the mobs caught up to them. And how they knew they were going to die. But they accepted it. So maybe I should accept this.

Whether I die or I go to the dark void, I'll accept it.

What's Left of Us Part One: Sequel to Transported (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now