7. Meet again

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<Lorna's POV>

"Lorna!" Vause's eyes widened: "Please don't tell her. Please!" She started to beg. What was she doing to me? I... I was absolutely speechless. I thought she loved her, I thought she was way more honest and her morals were in order.

"I'm outta here," Nicky mumbled, whom I actually wanted to apologise to. But now, my thoughts were still circling around the fact that Alex betrayed Piper.

"Why, Alex? Piper loved you."

"I know it looks bad. And I know that it makes me an asshole, but she left me. Not in the way you left Nicky. You left Nicky because you couldn't watch her destroy herself any longer. But Piper? She left because she didn't love me anymore."

Alex was such a liar. Piper had called me in the middle of the night to tell me exactly what had happened. I saw the devastation in her eyes as she was crying on my lap for hours, regretting her decision of leaving Alex even though it was the right choice to do so.

"That's bullshit and you know it!" I exclaimed angrily, storming out of the room, filled with rage and anger.


Surprise, Piper you'll be joining me in prison! No that sounds dumb, I thought. I was fidgeting with my hands, thinking about how to tell Piper about Alex. Only two inmates were left before my turn. Maybe I should let her talk first, somehow slip it into the conversation. What was I thinking? No matter how perfect I told the news, it would devastate her, just like it did with me.


"You what?" Vinnie yelled.

"Prison," I sobbed hysterically, too emotional to actually talk in sentences.

"What the fuck were you thinking, Lorna?"

I was in love, I thought. She was my everything.

"I don't know," I answered, ashamed of myself and my actions. How could I let myself do this again? How could I let my past catch up to me?

"I cannot believe this. Did you murder someone? It's like I don't know you anymore." He continued to yell.

My arms began shaking as I began to sob even harder, losing control over my body. I felt Vinnie's arms wrap around me in remorse, as he whispered: "I'm sorry." into my ear. He probably thought I was crying because of his statement, but in reality I was crying because he really didn't know me at all. The only one who ever really got to know my personality was Nicky.

<flashback ends>

"Don't do this," a raspy voice whispered into my ear softly. Her voice sent chills down my back, combined with her gentle touch around my wrist, all of my senses were focused on her. She managed to pull me out of the queue without any resistance and pulled me towards the church. When I realised that we were standing in a chapel all by ourselves, enclosed by silence, I began to regain my senses.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"Don't tell Piper."

"Why? Alex betrayed Piper."

"Well, Piper left Alex."

"Is that what she told you?!" I yelled, frustrated by how messed up Alex's story was. "Piper left because Alex was using her as a drug mule."

Nicky stayed silent for a few seconds while her face revealed an sad and hurt expression. "You think I used you?"

"No, no of course not. What we had-. It- It was-." I couldn't finish the sentence without implying some feelings towards Nicky, so I shut up. I didn't want to mess up my relationship with Vinnie too.

"It was real," Nicky said, looking at her tattoo. 'If it's real it'll hurt like hell' it said. Even though she never admitted that she got the tattoo for me, it had a symbolic meaning for our relationship.

"Chapman and Vause's relationship was real too. And I know that Vause made some mistakes, but ultimately it was Chapman who left and destroyed Vause "

"That's where you're wrong. Piper was absolutely devastated about their break up."

"Ha!" Nicky scoffed, "You can't honestly think that losing your girlfriend and your mother at the same time hurts less."

Wait, what? She lost her mother? Piper didn't tell me that. Nicky's consoling smile told me that she noticed my surprise. At the same time she looked really hurt by me, which was logical, since this story had a lot of parallels to ours. She sighed as she stood up and walked away.

"Nicky?" she paused as I called her name. "I'm sorry," I mumbled embarrassed by the fact that I let my anger deceive my judgement.

I heard her inhale deeply, a manner of hers when she was distressed or angry.

"I don't believe you," she answered. "After all of the fucked up things we've been through together you still don't trust me. You still see me as the heroin junkie who used to keep a fuck-book. And still after everything I have done for you, you never believed me. But yet, every time I believed in you."

"I know, Nicky. I'm sorry. But you know how we broke things off, the last time I saw you, you were a drug addict. And you never kept your promises."

"Because they didn't matter," she began to yell. "The only thing that matters to me-" she abruptly comes to a stop when she notices what she said. In an eye blink she corrects herself: "The only thing that mattered to me was you." Although, she noticed the present tense quickly and tried to cover up her mistake, I noticed it. She still loved me.

"But you!" She exclaimed angrily pointing her finger at me:" You betrayed me. The only important promise you ever gave me was to stand by my side through everything. Through anything." Her dark eyes filled with anger, suddenly filled with sadness as she spoke:" You said that you would stay by my side. You said that you would love me until eternity. You said you would never leave." She paused for a second while she scoffed half-heartedly. "You give these promises to someone else now, don't you?"

Even though the room was dark, I could feel the sadness of her fill the room, wrapping around my neck, making it impossible to breathe. The hurt in her voice was so prominent that I was afraid of looking at her. When I raised my head I was confronted with the most hopeless looking Nicky I had ever encountered. A tear escaped her eye and all I thought was how I felt the exact same way every time she had relapsed. I stepped closer to her, reaching out for her hands, which were shaking. Her soft skin was ice cold, telling me how much emotional pain she was in.

"I'm so sorry, Nicky," I whispered as I began to cry as well. "You have a place in my heart no one else could ever have."

She pressed her forehead against mine as we were both hopelessly crying, trying to turn back time and undo all the mistakes we made.

"But I really hope that you'll be happy one day," I muttered. Her brown eyes met with mine as she smiled through the tears and said:" I could never be happy with someone else after I've been happy with you."

Caught up in the moment, filled with emotions, I inched closer to her so that our lips almost met. I felt her warm breath against my skin, just before she stared into my eyes and our lips finally met again.

Authors note: I am so sorry for posting irregularly these last few weeks, but I am thinking about ending this story. Currently I am running out of ideas, which is why I would love to hear some of yours!!! So if you have any creative ideas for this book, I would love for you to suggest them <3

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