33. International

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<Lorna's POV> 

Everyone got up and started returning to their office. "Lorna, please stay here a minute."  We waited for the remaining people to leave. Nicky motioned Alex to stay put as well. 

"International. What cities were you thinking?" 

"Well, basically almost every important one. London, Berlin, Paris, Munich, Barcelona, Tokyo. There are absolutely no limits." 

"Berlin does sound tempting. All right you know what? Let's do it, look for every possible city and get a huge map of every country, report to me once your finished." I nodded and exited the room. 


I knocked on the office door, "Come in" her voice said. I wasn't surprised to see Sarah on the couch since she was constantly glued to Nicky's side. 

"I got the maps, and some suggestions for cities," I mumbled, trying to ignore Sarah who was glaring at me. 

"Great, come here," Nicky swooped all her stuff onto the floor, just like she used to. 


The books crashed onto the floor, her eyes focused on me again, hungrily staring at me. Almost aggressively she grabbed my face and pulled it to hers, simultaneously picking me up with the other hand and slamming me onto the now empty desk. I groaned as she pushed me down, sucking on my neck. I wrapped my legs around her waist pulling her closer towards me. 

This time instead of working me up first, she undressed me right away, her fingers now tugging on my pantie line. I closed my eyes out of pleasure, tilting my head back. Without warning she shoved two fingers inside me, making me scream. The mixture of pleasure and pain caused me to scoot away, but she pulled me back even closer to her than before. 

I screamed as I reach my orgasm, so she covered her mouth with hers, just like she always did. As we both calmed down, she immediately got dressed again, showing her madness. I understood why she was mad at me. I had accused her of relapsing although she hadn't. 

"Still mad at me?" 

She clenched her fists and nodded. 

"Still love me?" I asked, knowing that she would never lie to me. 

"Always," she grumbled pecking me on the lips. At the same time, she growled and left the room, slamming the door shut in an angry manner. 

<flashback ends>

"Are you guys going to fuck now? Because the most decent thing you could do is lock the door?" Sarah grinned. 

"You're still here, Sarah? Why don't you go back to work, you might even do something productive today," Nicky raised her eyebrows. Sarah grinned but left the room. 

"Here," Nicky patted on her desk. What did she mean? Here, what? Did she want to have sex?

"What?" I asked nervously. 

"The map, where is it?" I blushed as I noticed that she was referring to work. 

"Oh, it's right here," I opened the map and laid it on her desk. She stared at it for a while, turning it around. She mumbled something to herself, then reached for a red pen in her drawer. She began making red x's on the map. 

"What are you doing?" 

"I'm marking the cities, which are possible candidates. Berlin, Munich, Paris and so on," she explained. She connected the dots and then started calculating some numbers. I was confused, what was she doing? 

"Okay, let's go." 

"What are you talking about?"

"We're talking a trip. Isn't that obvious? It will take a couple of weeks. Call Vinnie and tell him, I mean if you want to come," she shrugged. 

Vinnie? A trip? Confused by all that's been happening, I stared at her. 

"Lorna? Lorna! I need you to answer me. Our flight leaves in 12 hours, and you haven't even started packing." 

"Flight? I just told you about the idea?" 

"Already had Sarah book one to Berlin the minute you walked in. So you in or not?" 

"All right," I agreed. She gave me some instructions to go home and pack, where she would come and pick me up. 

"Go, hurry. I'll see you later." 


"Francine I'm moving out!" I yelled as I threw clothes into my suitcase. 

"What? What are you talking about, sis?" She ran down the stoors, storming into the living room, where I was trying to find my phone. 

"I'm moving out for a couple of weeks, I'll be back sometime."

"Where are you going? And why are you in such a rush?" 

"I have a business trip to Europe. And the flight leaves in," I look at my watch "6 hours. And I have to leave in half an hour for the airport." 

"Please, tell me you're not going with Nicole."

I pressed my lips together and continued throwing in some clothes, avoiding looking at my older sister. 

"This is a bad idea." 


"Hey!" Alex hugged me as I entered the airport. Nicky handed me my boarding ticket, "You'll be sitting next to Vause, imagine how happy she is." 

Alex hit Nicky playfully, both of them laughing. I smiled at the sight of Nicky being happy again. 

"So, get your passports, let's go," Nicky stated. Caleb, Logan, Vause and Nicky made their way over to security as all my facial expressions dropped. 

"Fuck," I muttered. 

"What's wrong?" Nicky turned around. 

"I forgot my passport," I mumbled shyly. Everyone stared at me in disbelief. 

"How far is your home?" 

"One hour by bus." 

"Okay then, let's go. I'll take you," Nicky started pulling me towards the exit. 

"You're never going to make it!" Vause yelled. 

"You guys head to the gate, we'll catch up with you."


"How much time do we have left?" She asked as we were running through the entrance of the airport.

"30 minutes." 

She started running even faster, tightly holding on to her passport. We rushed through security in only 5 minutes and were great in the time schedule as two dogs began barking at Nicky. Two police officers immediately stopped her. 

"Miss, you have to come with us."

"But our flight leaves in 25 minutes," I interrupted. 

"Do you want to come too?" The tall man asked me. Nicky smiled at me assuringly, "Go without me, I'll catch the next flight."

The officers dragged her away, into a separate room labelled: DEA control. 

The two of us - NichorelloWhere stories live. Discover now