21. First encounter

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<Lorna's POV> 

"I just want to know the truth. Do you still love her?"

"What?" I pretended to not know who he was talking about. In an instant, I panicked unaware of what to do. Denying my love to Nicky was like betraying both her and Vinnie. Stating how much I love her, could drive him away. What was I even saying? I didn't care about Vinnie at all. The idea of being married had blinded me so much that I was unable to see the most obvious signs. I was in love with Nicky.

"Yes, I do." I answered the question, guilty and relieved at the same time.

"Then let's get married right away."

"What?" What was he talking about? I just admitted my love for another woman, how could he be asking me to marry him right now?

"Let's be honest. You and her, that's not going to last. She is a drug addict who by the way is a total player -yes I did some research- and to be honest, can you imagine a real future with her?" 

Yes, I thought. But looking at the past, my experience told me otherwise. 


"Nicky? Nicky?" I yelled stepping slowly through the apartment of ours. The unusual silence filled the room, making me suspect the worst. A small cry-out emerged from the bedroom, making horrible thoughts rush through my mind. As I opened the door, all of my worst nightmares came true. 

Her hair was sprawled all over the bed, her head was hanging over the edge, dangling down as if she were dead. The skin of hers, which used to be pale, was now white, glowing in an unhealthy way. She groaned again as if in pain, causing me to come back to reality. I rushed towards her, my heart beating uncontrolably. 

"Nicky, nicky, can you hear me?" I asked her whilst patting against her cheek. Her eyelids were flattering, her eyes weren't focussing on anything. As her body began shivering I wrapped her in the bedsheets, unaware of what else to do. 

"Nicky, please!" I begged:" wake up." 

Her body moved and then came abruptly to a halt, all of her limbs stopping in an uncomfortable angle. Her mind and body caught between the verge of conscious and uncousciousness, made it seem as if she was having a seizure. I immediately called Alex, who arrived a few minutes later. 

"Nicky, Nicky!" She began to yell, whilst putting her up in a sitting position. She ordered me to get some water, which I did, and began splashing it in her face. A few more instructions followed, which I later found out was to keep me from hyperventilating. As I was continously holding Nicky up so she wouldn't fall to the ground, Vause quickly injected some liquid into her thigh, causing me to almost scream. 

"What are you doing?" I yelled  hysterically. 

"I'm saving her ass once again." 

A few seconds later Nicky opened her eyes again and looked at us. The way her pupils moved quickly told that she couldn't see clearly. From exhaustion she collapsed right onto the bed. 

"She's fine," Vause answered the question I had thought and exited the room. As I followed her, I heard Nicky whisper:" I'm so sorry." 

<flashback ends> 

"Lorna. You know that you and Nicky don't have a future. But we do. And I love you so much. I know that you feel the same way about me to. Still, I don't want to have to worry about you sleeping with somebody else, which is why we should get married right away. Otherwise, I don't think that we can be together any longer." 

"You have until next week  to decide. I'll come by." He stated without letting me ask any further questions.


"What's wrong?" Alex asked me. How was I supposed to answer this question? Everything was going wrong. 

"Vinnie says we should get married right away." 

"What?" She frowned. "Why?" 

"He asked me if I was in love with her. I said yes." 

The good friend that she was, Alex understood, I needed nothing but silence and comfort. She hugged me, not minding that I was basically laying on top of her. Caringly she kissed me on my forehead, just as Nicky used to. 

"What the fuck is going on here?" The shrill voice of Piper pulled me out of the moment. I really did not have enough energy to deal with this. 

"Lorna, first you tell me that we're not allowed to hug in prison. Then you go and basically makeout with my ex girlfriend. What the hell is wrong with you?" She screamed loudly, bringing the attention of passing inmates to us. 

"Piper, look-" Alex tried to calm her down, but got interrupted: "Don't you dare call me Piper!" 

Alex rolled her eyes and stepped away, annoyed by the way Piper was behaving. "Explain this!" She pointed her finger at me. 

"What do you want me to say? There is nothing going on between me and Alex, so stop being this jealous and leave me alone. I have enough bullshit going on in my life without your drama." 

Alex smirked as she heard me say Piper was jealous. Piper on the other hand, gave a death glare to Alex and encountered my argument: "You are so fake. I thought you were my friend, but I see, you betrayed me. Look what a person you've become. I bet that's because of Nicky."

I gasped, stepping away from somehow I had, one hour ago, called a friend. Alex seemed to take this seriously, now standing face to face with Piper. For a short second I was afraid that they would start a fight as the tension grew, but instead Alex whispered: "We're all in prison. We have to get along. So, why don't you leave us alone and go mind your own business?" 

As Piper was about to argue with her; Alex laid a finger on her mouth shushing her. "Not today," she sternly, yet kindly said. The maturity of Alex's action and the sincerity behind her words made Piper nod and turn away. 

"Wow," Alex said, probably overwhelmed by how their first encounter in years turned out. "Anyway, What are you going to do?" 

The two of us - NichorelloWhere stories live. Discover now