Untitled Part 29

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<Nicky's POV>

She has no idea, I thought. I almost smiled, but caught myself in the last moment.

"Mrs Morello, you got the job," I stood up and showed the forms, which said 'executive of management, please sent remaining forms today' she stared at the sheet of paper in disbelief.

"Although I very much enjoyed your little speech, I had already submitted you before. Congratulations!"

I could sense her hesitation, whether she should hug me or shake my hand. I smiled at her calmly, whilst opening the door. I exited the room with her.

"Sarah?" I asked my assistant: "Would you please process these forms immediately and send the remaining information to Mrs Morello."

"Absolutely," she replied, staring at me. Caleb and Logan had been pressuring me for weeks to ask Sarah out because one could tell that she was into me.

"Then Mrs Morello I am very happy that you will be joining our team, I will see you on Monday at 7 am."

"Thank you so much." She replied, hopping away happily. I loved this feeling. Any time a former inmate got a job, one could see the relief in their eyes. Their lives literately depended on these jobs. Whether it was a single mother who was trying to get her kids back from foster care or it was a kid who had never gone to school because of living in poverty, the smile on their faces as they left this room is what made me the happiest.

"What are you grinning about? Is she your girlfriend?"

"ha!" I scoffed: "No, I'm not seeing anyone right now." I said.


"So are you seeing anyone right now?" She whispered into my ear whilst intertwining her fingers with mine.

"Well, if you count my friends with benefits relationship with my secretary then yes. If not, then no. Why are you asking?"

"Because I wanna know what you have been up to."

"I can tell you what I have been dreaming about." She exhales heavily, looking at me with her sparkling brown eyes intensely. "Well, let me show you," I slowly leaned towards her, pressing my lips against hers.

"Well this is dreamy," she mumbled between kisses.

<flashback ends>

"I was wondering if you would like to go out with me sometimes, get a drink or so." Oh, shit not that again. A few years ago I would have jumped at an opportunity like this, sleeping with some random chick, but now? I didn't feel like it.

"Sarah-" I stuttered "That is so nice of you, but considering our situation. We're colleagues, I don't think this is a good idea, I'm so sorry."

"Weren't you in a relationship with your former assistant?"

"Yes but that ended horribly. Look, Sarah? You're such a lovely and intelligent woman and I really believe that one day you will find someone absolutely special and perfect for you. But this person isn't me. I'm so sorry."


"Sarah asked me out today?"

"I knew it!" Caleb yelled at the dining table. "Anyway, what did you say?"

"I said no, but -"

"Why?" Alex interrupted me. "Why don't you go out with her?"

"I don't feel like it."

"You said no to that blonde girl in the bar as well. And to Sammy, and to Sloan, and to that girl with the belly button."

"I just don't wanna see anybody right now," I stated and exited our apartment. I hated the guys for persistently pressuring me into going out with someone. I grabbed into my pocket instinctively, waiting for the metal of my lighter to meet my fingertips. No matter how much time went by, I couldn't seem to get out of my body couldn't seem to get out of my old habits.

"Hey, I'm sorry," Vause mumbled, sitting down next to me on the stairs.

"Don't worry about it."

"But tell me, why don't you go out with anyone?"

"I made horrible choices in my life. I first used every woman who ever came near me. Then I wrecked the relationship with the only two people I have ever loved. I'm not worthy of a real relationship. I don't want to do those things anymore. I'm done with dating. I'm done with relationships and girls.

"You really are a completely different person," Vause muttered. Unable to respond to that statement we remained on the stairs. After a while, Alex took a cigarette out of her pocket: "How bad do you wanna smoke right now?"

"I don't know what you're talking about you giant cigarette," I joked. Vause laughed while lighting it between her fingers. She inhaled deeply before I pulled it from her lips and threw it on the ground, stepping on it.

"You should really quit."


It was 6 am in the morning I held my coffee in the one hand, the keys to the office in the other whilst somehow carrying my bag with me.

"Do you need any help?" Her voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Lorna? I meant Mrs Morello, what are you doing here this early?" I asked shocked. I didn't expect her to be this excited about the new job.

"The bus I have to take only gets here every one and a half hours, so I have to be here this early."

I nodded understandingly, opening the door. "Come in, let's get you settled in."

"So, as you saw yesterday this is only a part of the office. Because this is basically the room for interviewing people, which I won't be doing from now on. If you come this way, this is the coffee room. If you are ever hungry or taking a break here is a vending machine. No I'm joking we always have free snacks and water here."

Although she was following me, I could see the exhaustion in her eyes. Maybe she didn't sleep well. "You seem tired," I said.

"Don't worry it won't affect my productiveness at all."

"Here," I handed her my coffee.

"No, I can't take this."

"You need it more than I do." She smiled appreciatingly, immediately bringing the cup to her lips.

"Uh- you- uh- got something there," I pointed at my lip. She blushed and wiped the foam from her face.

"So what are you doing this early in the morning?"

The two of us - NichorelloWhere stories live. Discover now