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""Fuck fuck fuck!" Jimin rapidly cursed  himself running down the sidewalk continuously holding in the pain from his lower back.

"Gosh I'm going to be fucking late."
He mumbled curse words while groaning every time the pain striked in.

He made it to the schools park but didn't bother slowing down as there was only 3 minutes left till the bell rings.

The park was very beautiful and yet  Jimin couldn't help but look at the gorgeous flowers blooming in the trees. He was too distracted that he didn't notice he bumped into someone hitting his face. "shit..." He was about to curse out the boy but got cut off.

"I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean too - are you okay!! I-I'll just leave." The boy kneel down picking his papers from being scattered around and shoved it all in his binder.

He left with a red face and walked away. Jimin stood there dumbfounded. "Okay?" He took a step  but felt a slight bump underneath his shoe which stopped him. He looked down to see black glasses and picked it up turning to see the boy who kept walking.

'What if he accidentally dropped it' He looked at the boy and back to the glasses. He looked at the boy one last time and just ran up to him. "HEY YOU DROPPED SOMETHING!"

Jimin yelled and grabbed the small boys attention. "Is this yours?" He showed the glasses and the boy gladly took it.

"T-thank you." He shyly said placing it on his face. Jimin gave him an eye smile and left. He couldn't take that image of him, he never saw a boy that adorable walking around the campus.

He was to deep in his thoughts but soon snapped when the bell ringed. "Oh c'mon." He lazily ran already not caring if he was late.


Class was starting soon, kids chattering and others finishing homework before the teacher arrives.

Jimin layed his head flat on the wooden desk asking himself why did he came to school again.

"Alright class settle down now." The teacher said flickering the lights as usual to grab the students attention. "Alright now, today we have a new transferred student joining us today."

Every kid sat up to hear the words 'new student'. They all had eyes on the door to reveal a pale boy nervously walking in. "Everyone this is Min Yoongi." Yoongi shyly waved feeling awkward. He could immediately hear whispers from the kids which brought him to feel more anxiety

"Yoongi I would like to sit next to Namjoon. Namjoon please raise your hand." The teacher said before the silver haired male did as he was told. Yoongi walked to his new seat receiving a lot of stares.

"Hey new kid." A sudden voice spoked causing Yoongi to slightly flinch. He turned to see a familiar boy he just encountered earlier. "I could of sense that you were new."

"Y-yeah...." He said awkwardly as the teacher caught them chatting shushing the two. The lesson went by as usual, students feeling boredness, heads flat in the desk while Yoongi was enjoying the teaching.

The bell soon rang and in one snap everyone was out. Jimin saw Yoongi taking his time packing his things and decided to wait for him.

"You know where's the cafeteria right? Jimin asked leaning on a wall. "Umm n-not really."

"Follow me then." He left the room with the boy following behind. Yoongi hid behind Jimins back as he noticed a few stares looking at his direction mainly one boy who couldn't take his eyes of him.

They reached the cafeteria and waited to get their lunch. For the whole time Yoongi had followed Jimin till they sat together in a table. Jimin didn't budge.

"So Yoongi your a transferred student right." The boy nobbed taking a bite of his lunch. "Here have my number just in case." He grinned handing him a piece of paper.

"Thanks." He smiled putting it in his pocket. "No problem cuty." Yoongi frozed and felt his cheeks burning.

"Did he just call me cute!"

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