28 |end|

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"Home? As in, were going back to Daegu!" His mother nobbed and looked at yoongi who wasn't feeling that excitement as her.

"Your going to be okay, you still have time to say goodbye to your friends right?"

"Yeah...." Yoongi left the living room and walked upstairs to his room. Most of his things were packed already which gave him a headstart.

"What am I supposed to tell Namjoon especially Jimin." He sighed and sat on his head bringing his knees up to his chin. "What am I supposed to do..."



Yoongi woke up early than usual and planned on telling the people he knows that he's moving. Something he never wished he had to tell.

"Okay here we go." Yoongi ran out of his room and out of the his house since he texted namjoon earlier to meet him in a park.

Once he made it he saw his friend sitting on the bench playing games he guessed. "Namjoon hey." He waved.

"Hm? Oh yoongi, so what did you wanted to tell me? Yoongi fidgeted his fingers and took a deep breath. "Namjoon I think we can't see each other anymore because......... I'm moving away."

"Moving away? Wait really! When?"

"Tomorrow, it was just all of a sudden. My mom is packing everything for today so we can leave first thing tomorrow." Namjoon sighed and patted his shoulder.

"I'm really going to miss you, you were a great friend." Yoongi smiled and gave him a quick hug. "I'm going to miss you too."

"Well since were still early we can just take our time walking to school right?" Yoongi just laughed and walked passed him. "Guess I'll take that as yes."


Class was now pretty hard to concentrate now. Jimin was pretty concerned about the upset face yoongi had, he wanted to ask, but he wanted him to have his time and space.

But now that was just hard to ignore. Class after class he would take a glance at yoongi and knew something was wrong.

"So uh yoongi are you planning to tell Jimin or?"

"Um I don't know, I want to I really do, I'll tell him later." Yoongi walked away seeing Jimin on his right. "Sorry Jimin." He mumbled.



Yoongi was relieved, the school doors opened and felt the cold breeze. He knew by the time he step foot in his house, all he would see was boxes big and small all stacked up and ready to be put in the truck and leaving the one place he wished he never left.

He looked at the school building one last time and touched the surface missing the feeling of it. Remembering when it was his first time entering there. "Goodbye school." He gave a smile and walked away not turning back. Like he would come back, his mother just wanted to go back to their orginal home, Daegu was his home after all.

He walked down the sidewalk viewing few cars passing bye. He took every detail where he was passing by so he could remember those times he walked home from school.

He started hearing footsteps catching up to him and turned around, his heart nearly dropping. Jimin stood there with nothing but a dismal mood staring at his eyes and wanting to feel his embrace. Just be with him, maybe they can rely again instead of the both looking like strangers to each other.

Yoongi tried talking but he was afraid it could come out as a stutter. He just let his body do the talking for him and stayed silence. He ran up to him and hugged him knowing they will be apart forever. "Yoongi?"

"Jimin! I-I'm sorry.....I'm.........moving away." He looked at his face and saw his reaction and the guilt just hit him like a sword stabbing him in the chest.  "Moving.......yoongi no your leaving?!?" Jimin held his arm tight and repeated the question hearing if it was no joke. Yoongi responded with a weak yes and he slowly lost grip of him. "I'm sorry Jimin it had to be this way....... goodbye....."

Yoongi left trying to hold his tears in and just bit his lip feeling how he was already trembling. Jimin held a fist. To him it wasn't a goodbye, he ran up to him and turned him around holding his cheek, just by the touch he felt it warm. Jimin leaned in and pressed his lips towards his pouty ones missing the way it felt.

He didn't want to let go but had too for the sake of Yoongi's oxygen. "I don't want you to leave, I want you to stay with me forever. I'll miss you..."

"I'll miss you too Jimin." Yoongi placed a soft kiss on his cheek and whispered a 'goodbye'

Before he knew it, tears were already streaming down his flushed face and wiped it off with his sleeve. This couldn't be over. He just hoped they won't become strangers like in the beginning.


Hope you guys enjoyed this book and supporting it for the past ummmmmmmmmmmm 8 months???
The book has came to an end yes I know sadly (btw srry for the horrible ending it was rushed) I made these two last chapters before I'm going to to take a break from wattpad bc I'm not in my right state of mind.
But it's not over yet.
Their will be a book coming out continuing this series
So bring your hopes up ppl
Once I'm coming back from my break I promise my head will be refreshed and ready to write again

Thank you for reading this book I really appreciated it and going on with my retarded journey.

Love you guys peace out ❤😎✌

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