Chapter One: Posture!

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Louise's turn to write! This is chapter one of the first book written on this account. Enjoy, Vote, Comment!!! Love you!


Vivaldi's Four Seasons flows through the piano and echoes off the walls. Madam's accented voice yells,

"And Demi plié, Demi plié, grande. Relevé. Rond de Jambe, first. Port de bras forward, and back. Grand pas. Sous sous and arabesque... Hold... Hold... Hold... And finish." She claps. "Very good. But I know you can do better. Claire," I smile expectantly.

"Posture. Ladies do not slouch." She tells me. I hang my head and say, "Yes Madam. Sorry Madam." She nods briskly and addresses the room,

"Off barre. Take off your Pointe shoes and get some water. Stretch, we'll be leaping on center. Ten minutes." And with that she turns sharply to the pianist and starts talking to him. I sigh heavily and my shoulders drop. I walk over to my bag and sit on the hard floor of the studio. I pull out my ballet shoes and water bottle. then I work on untying the knotted ribbons. Once I get them off, I look at my red feet. My pointe shoes are getting tight, but I don't even have enough money to buy a pair of used ones. I massage my feet slowly.

"Posture! Are you not a real lady?" I hear a french voice say. My heart stops, and I Sit up straight automatically. I can't afford to be on Madams bad side. Slowly, I look up. My eyes meet Gabe's smug face.

"Gabe! You idiot. You scared the crap out of me, I thought you were Madam." I whisper-scream, my heart still racing. He chuckles and looks down at my red feet. Quickly, I put my other pair of shoes on. His sly smile is replaced with a gaze I've seen too many times.

"Please let me buy you a new pair." He pleads with me... once again.

"It's too much money." I tell him.

"Well, God knows I already have too much money. Its pretty much my obligation to spend some of it on somebody else." He says as he sits down next to me.

Everyone knows that Gabe comes from money. His parents are both successful business people. I remember when we first started dating, all the girls gave me dirty looks. Once I had overheard a girl that I can't stand whispering, 'I give it a week. Nobody could pity date her' sneering when she said that 'for any longer than that.' I knew I wasn't rich like some of them were, but I got by. And that's all that mattered. To me anyways, Lacy had different beliefs. She thought that money

I raise a brow at him. "And God also knows I don't want to be a charity case."

I watch as he considers this, and then he slides closer to me and folds our hands together. "It's technically not charity if its for my girlfriend. Think of it as an investment in our relationship." He leans in and kisses me. I smile, and say,

"Nope!" He rolls his eyes and sighs.

"Ok... But I'm not carrying you around when your your feet hurt so bad you can't walk." He warns in a sing-song tone.

I laugh as we walk to center and start stretching. Then I see Lacy skipping over in her brand new leotard and shoes. Hair in a perfect bun. Gabe turns and she bats her eyelashes and waves. I tap my bare wrist and exasperate,

"Why my, my! Is it that time again already?" Lacy's flirting had become a tedious routine. He chuckled and turned to face her with raided brows. She had a perky vibe and was sporting a pure white smile.

"Hi Gabe! Madam is letting me choose my partner for the recital. I figured I'd ask you! Madam thinks its a great idea. What do you say?" She threw an evil glare my way. Gabe looked uncertainly at me. I closed my eyes and nodded slowly. As much as I hated the idea of them being THAT close to each other, alone... We both knew he had to do it. When I opened my eyes he had an apologetic look on his face. Then he turned and gave Lacy a smile while he said,

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