Chapter 32

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Zoe's Pov.

"What are you doing?" I asked Soren as he threw his things into the black suticase laying on his bed

"I'm leaving." He said gruffly as he stuffed his clothes into the bag forcefully

"You can't!"I told him

He shook his head and a tear rolled down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away and zipped up the suit case quickly.

"Zoe stay here, Kevin will take care of you. Finish college and get a job, a family. A life. Do it for me." He said quickly

I shook my head. "Soren no. Don't leave please. Soren no. No please. No."I said sobbing

"I don't have a life Zoe. You do. Your bright and funny and. I love you. Your my sister and I love you."I felt my heart breaking as I begged the last of my family to stay

"Soren you can't go! What about Claire?"I said in an attempt to change his mind

"She dosn't need me. She has Julian. I know he won't let anyone hurt her. I saw it." He said shrugging

"But you love her!"I croaked, my voice breaking

"When I was in my coma. I had a choice."He began

I shook my head, "No Soren don't say it! Please don't say it."I begged him

"I chose her. I assumed she chose me."I watched his fist clench and he closed his eyes


"She lied."

"No. Soren."

"I'm sorry Zoe. I lived for her. But she doesn't need me. She lied!"He spat

"I need you." I said silently

He came over and gave me a hug. "You don't need me Zoe." He whisperd

"Yes I do! I need you! Kevin needs you!"I said franticly

"Goodbye Zoe."


"I love you."

"Don't do it."

"I love you so much. You will grow up and get married and have kids. I'm sorry I wont be there." He said opening the door

"Soren you have a choice." I said

He smiled at me his eyes defeated. His blue eyes looked like a pale silver and his dark hair looked mussed and dirty. He had given up.

"I'm sorry."

Then he was gone.

I felt my heart shatter and I sunk to my knees sobbing. He wasn't coming back. He wasn't. This time he wouldn't be there to take care of me. I was sitting there on the kitchen floor when Kevin came in.

"Kevin. Soren's gone."


Soren's Pov.

I flagged down a taxi and gave him directions to the only place I wanted to go before I left. Before I am gone.

"What do you want?"He spat when I knocked on his door

"Nothing."I told Julian, he glanced at my bag and frowned confused.

"You'll make sure no one hurts Claire?"I asked him

He nodded. "Do you?" I started but felt a lump in my throat

"Do you love her?"I asked him

He nodded again. "I have to go."I told him

He didn't say anything. "Check in on my sister Zoe for me. Please."I told him my voice wavering

"Okay."He said quietly

"I loved her." I confessed to him

"I know."

"Say goodbye to her. For me."

He didn't say anything so I began to turn. "Where are you going?" He asked

I looked him in the eye and he knew. "I have to go."I told him

He sighed, "No you don't."He said

I shook my head. "Take care of Claire for me."

"I will."

"Thank you."

I started walking back as the sun set. Maybe I'd go to L.A. or chicago. I would miss New York, but I can't stay here. Maybe one day I'd come back. Claire, this is not the last time I'll see you. We will meet again...

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