Chapter Thirty-One: To switch places

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Julian's POV

The police separate me and Soren after he lunges at me yelling about how he's going to kill me. I'd kill him first, but... Considering the witnesses would be the police...

"Sit down. Are you hungry?" The officers gruff voice sounds.

"No, no thank you. I've lost my appetite." I say, sitting down as he told me too.

"Alright. How do you know that girl?" He says in not a questioning tone, but a demanding one.

"That girl' is my girlfriend. We live together." I state with my arms crossed. He looks me down and says,

"How long have you been together?" He raises his chin.

"Almost two months." I imitate his stance.

"We're you two fighting about anything? Anything that would take it as far as violence?" I stand up and pound my open hands down on the table, looking straight into his eyes as I spit,

"I would never...hurt her. Never. We weren't fighting, we were happy. We ARE happy, and even if we were fighting...I was raised better than that. I wouldn't hit a woman." He leans back and asks,

"Then how'd she get all those bruises? Have you heard that She's said to have a lot of damage?"

My knees weaken at the word 'damage' I sit down and stare past him. I don't want to hear anymore, can't hear anymore, but he continues,

"A broken rib, fracture, possible emotional and/or mental damage, and she's malnourished." He leans towards me, "Malnourishment...could kill her." I cover my face. I don't even know everything about her! I can't lose her...I can't.

"Now tell me...cause I'm only going to ask once more. Who did it?"

My world just collapsed. I fold my fists together and stare at the floor.

"Bloody hell..." I murmur.


I stand up and flip the chair. I point at him, Menacingly, I say, "Now you listen carefully, because I mean these words with every fiber of my being. I would trade anything... To keep her safe. To switch places right now, right here, just to take away the pain. She's my life. She's hurt right now, so I'm already half dead knowing that I can't fix it, that I couldn't fix what was already done. And if she dies, you come see me. You look straight into my eyes like a man and tell me. And after you tell me... And after you see me... Accuse me again of hurting her. Now tell me, do you still think I did it?" His eyes soften a bit and he says,

"You can help her. The question is, will you?" He stands the chair up again and sits me down. Then he handcuffs me. I calm down,

"For her, anything. What can I do?" I ask, desperate to help.

"Tell me who did it."

"Her guardian."

"What's his name?"

"Mike? I don't know! I only saw him once, I watched him slap her. but her friend was there every time. Shonda, her name was. That's all I know. Now, please, let me go see her. I'm begging you."

"Thank you. We will be in touch with you." Easy... I sprint to her room, before he can even unlock me. I get halfway down the hall, before someone pins me to the wall of an empty hallway.

"I told them you did it. I know."

"Why would I hurt her?"

"Because you can."

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