Chapter Forty-Three: very vague sometimes...

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Julian's POV

I unlock the door and step in. I automatically go to the study and call Reynolds. When he picks up I say,

"Hey, It's Jules."

"Hello, how have you been?"

"Speaking medically or personally?"


"As far as health goes, relatively well. My bones are better for the most part. Did the test results ever come back?" I close my eyes, bracing for anything. Hoping to god he says only good things. If he said its back... I'd have to tell Claire and she'd just lose it.

"Ahh, yes. You seem to have gone into remission."

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear that."

"It is very good news. So how's life in New York? Have you met anybody?"

"I have."

"Well, what's her name?"


"Beautiful name. Is she there? May I speak to her?"

"She isn't here, actually. She's in the hospital."

"Is she alright?" He keeps a professional and even tone.

I breath out, rocking on my heels with my hands in my pockets, "She was abused. Broken ribs, bruises, malnourishment. But she's healing."

"Send my best wishes for her recovery. Better yet, have her call me."

"I'll be sure to do that." I smile. "It was nice talking to you again."

"As it was you."

"Alright, say hi to everyone for me. I'll talk to you later."

"Goodbye." We end the call. I dial James's number.


"Hey, it's Jules."

"Hey! Where you been? We haven't heard from you in so long!"

"I know. But the hospital doesn't really like cells, so..."

"You were in the hospital again?" Here we go again. This is the part where he loud mouths all over the town about it. I stop him,

"Oh no! My girlfriend is."

"You have a girlfriend now, do you? Even better gossip. Wait till Liz hears this."


"What's her name, whys she in the hospital, most importantly... is she hot?"

"Claire, she was abused, and yes. Not that it matters." I warn.

"Who abused her? You?"

"Why do people keep asking that? No, it wasn't me!"

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding."

"You better be. How are things in London?"

"Good, good. Viv is in art school, Ron is in architecture, I'm in music, and Liz is in photography. She's got another four months."

"Until she graduates?" I ask.

"Ohhh...Im sorry, man. I thought someone already told you."

"Told me what? What happened to Liz?" I growl through my teeth into the phone.

"She's gonna kill me if I tell you." He trails off.

"What happened to her, James?" Nobody has kept in touch with me. Which is fine, but part of me wanted to hear from Liz.

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